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|------------------------------------------------------| P~T |------------------------------------------------------|
Original Thread: https://doxbin.org/upload/qkWadeCheats
Face: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1358251489362399233/k1ioxSnV_400x400.jpg
Additional: Probably thinks he's a gang member and beats up every child that calls him an idiot
Renamed their Server to: Game Extra | https://discord.com/invite/PyMndgurfS

Name: "Jeremy Collingson" Obviously fake since I have his real name
New Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujitaidasuke
Is a fucking Racist: https://cyberpics.net/di/LZXA/jurCF63.png
wadesocap aka WadeFN:
Deleted his Twitter
More Information on my original Thread: