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Reason : They scam kids with a fake Fortnite Cheat, it has tons of malware that simply fucks up your computer.
Malware: https://app.any.run/tasks/c22ae67c-25e4-4be2-b43f-ee8d7108105b 


Owner  : kyywoo | 395549493476720651 | a3#0001 ; voxzxy | 764192611908845598 | qk#6129 ; WadeFN | 776561663800770593 | WadeFN#9358
Discord: https://discord.gg/PyMndgurfS | 802915862843228171 | qkWade Cheats
Price: 5$ - 30$


Name : Colin Maratea | voxzxy | goon
Email: colinmaratea314@gmail.com
Pass : terboson ; Terboson12


Name   : Leonardo Volpe | kyywoo | KBM | scorpsfortnite | xtraclapsubum | kyywoofn | lehosnaps | Kyywoo on YT 椹 | diverse.kyywoo | .puffplus | skiware
Country: Canada
Additional: makes cringey tiktoks > kyywoo.oncottoncandyflav thinks he's above people in the super cool game called fornite
            also, how can one person have so many nicknames. get a break fatass


Name: Justin Wade | wadesocap | WadeFN | cbandzz! | Revive Wade
Face: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1341232765992361987/RsVbKn4j_400x400.jpg
Additional: wants to join a International Gaming & Entertainment Organization called TeamAssaultGG (enormous cringe)


These children refund some of their purchases because they are scared people are gonna report the discord server.
Wouldn't really expect something different from someone who plays Fortnite.