
Typical skid from hackforums, that believes booting, skype jacking, fail doxing, and running Windows 7 makes him an elite hacker. 
When he came back to skidforums he said,"I am coming back and I am coming back harder then ever" 

Doxist believes hes some top doxer, but when I found his pastebin page. http://pastebin.com/u/D0xist 
All he has is c&p'd doxes and some HF skids

Quote from skidforums; 
"Hello, Fellow people of the world my name is "D0xist" and i had left the scene for a little while, BUT i am coming back and i am coming back harder then ever. i was recently in a Group called Server disconnected, but it kind of broke apart after the owner leaving, and now i am solo and looking for a group, if anyone want's to hit me up with any details on a group there in or owner of i would be more then interested to take a shot or talk to you about it. as of now i have been invited to group; #lowsec, And group #Darksec, and have not joined neither of them. i have been hanging out with BWA Frenchyy and Konloch from bassfool! they are really good friends and i can count on them when i need them. So if you would like to introduce me to yourself please add me on Skype for further information @ me.doxist

Quote from a reply Doxist wrote to a hackforums member; 
"I clearly Never stated that i was legendary, but i am know, but not on that hackforum shit. i never asked for your opinion on me or about me so stop acting big over a forum, But add me on Skype if you have a problem in tell then sit down and shut the fuck up." 

So this kid obviously believes he is legendary. 

Maybe after this is dropped this anonfag will finally figure out that hes just another hackforums skid


Computer Screen shot: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/93b5b0a2aab29f76e5de6c3cede45974.png 

Operating System: Windows 7


Full Name: 	Toby Honda Donathan

Nickname: 	TJ

Gender: 	Male

Age: 	17 - 18

Birthdate: 	August 3, 1995

Country: 	United States

Home Address: 	2010 Bahama Dr, Bullhead City, AZ 86442-5709 

Hometown: 	Melaka

School: 	Mohave High School 

School District: 	Colorado River Union High School District 

School Address: 	2251 Hwy 95, Bullhead City, AZ 86442 

School Phone #: 	928-758-3916 

School Fax #: 	928-758-7145 

School Site: 	http://www.mohave.coloradoriverschools.org/

Time Zone: 	Mountain Time Zone

Known Passwords: 	swaggabagle

Skype(s): 	me.doxist, Toby.donathan, mr.doxist 

Xbox Live GT: 	D0xist

Hackforums Profile: http://www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1539491 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/l33T.Hacke 

Current Girlfriend: Layla Powell (https://www.facebook.com/thatonegirlnamedlayla)

Swagfag?: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/0ff2bc19fd47733e6ef094d3f16753e9.jpg, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/960ab8a47f9aba7db89c43c6c845d2be.jpg, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/960ab8a47f9aba7db89c43c6c845d2be.jpg

Anonfag?: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/fadffe6ad24a23d4e0d46cf6b4ed26b4.png

Fail editing to the fullest: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/20fab9fa6fd45164db4d18bbf163091a.jpg 

Collab Pic's: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/c4f087b8fc94428941d0cc1401a67e6a.png, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/c4f087b8fc94428941d0cc1401a67e6a.png, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/08cb1577492d767b0283545a1c7456e9.png 

Minecraft Server Info: 
	ID: swagcraftftw 
	Password: swaggabagle 

	Sonya Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/sonya.donathan) - (481 Steiger Dr, Bullhead City, AZ 86442-5219) - Home #: 928 758 3791
	Jovan Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/jovan.donathan)
	Calvena Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/calvena.donathan) 
	Joe Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/joe.donathan.7) - (439 Santa Maria Rd, Bullhead City, AZ 86442-5379) - Home #: 928 758 3791
	Bill Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/bill.donathan) 
	David Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/david.donathan.1) 
	Patrick Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/patrick.donathan) 
	Tina Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/tina.donathan1) 
	Bob Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/bob.donathan) 
	Jack Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/jack.donathan.1) 
	Joshua Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/jc.donathan) 
	Thomas Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/thomas.donathan) 
	Shawn Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/shawn.donathan)   

Downloads other ppl's hacks for minecraft & trys to annoy the hell out of ppl with them
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T209MBN_bCQ //video of him "hacking" in minecraft 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjLyQKB0rBU //same... video of him hacking in minecraft
http://blizzardcraft.com/threads/506/ //Ban request on him lol 
http://www.icewynd.net/profile/3400569/posts //trying to sign up for moderator (3rd post) 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJUe3vxBPic //video of one of Doxist friends trying to act "tough" on XBL & Telling someone,"You dont know shit about booting" lmao 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk9AujFTrEs //more gay shit about Doxist on XBL


Says he's a, "Pro Boxer @ Bullhead city health club" //lol 

Gym Address: 967 Hancock Rd, Bullhead City, AZ 86442 

Gym Number: (928) 704-4610 

Gym's Domain(s): http://www.bullheadhealthclubbhc.com, http://www.bullheadhealthclubfm.com, http://www.bullheadhealthclub.com