--------------------------------------- Typical skid from hackforums, that believes booting, skype jacking, fail doxing, and running Windows 7 makes him an elite hacker. When he came back to skidforums he said,"I am coming back and I am coming back harder then ever" Doxist believes hes some top doxer, but when I found his pastebin page. http://pastebin.com/u/D0xist All he has is c&p'd doxes and some HF skids Quote from skidforums; "Hello, Fellow people of the world my name is "D0xist" and i had left the scene for a little while, BUT i am coming back and i am coming back harder then ever. i was recently in a Group called Server disconnected, but it kind of broke apart after the owner leaving, and now i am solo and looking for a group, if anyone want's to hit me up with any details on a group there in or owner of i would be more then interested to take a shot or talk to you about it. as of now i have been invited to group; #lowsec, And group #Darksec, and have not joined neither of them. i have been hanging out with BWA Frenchyy and Konloch from bassfool! they are really good friends and i can count on them when i need them. So if you would like to introduce me to yourself please add me on Skype for further information @ me.doxist -D0x" Quote from a reply Doxist wrote to a hackforums member; "I clearly Never stated that i was legendary, but i am know, but not on that hackforum shit. i never asked for your opinion on me or about me so stop acting big over a forum, But add me on Skype if you have a problem in tell then sit down and shut the fuck up." (http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=3593565) So this kid obviously believes he is legendary. Maybe after this is dropped this anonfag will finally figure out that hes just another hackforums skid --------------------------------------- Computer Screen shot: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/93b5b0a2aab29f76e5de6c3cede45974.png Operating System: Windows 7 Alias: Doxist D0xist D0x eXoDuS eXoDuSpWn3R MrDoxist Full Name: Toby Honda Donathan Nickname: TJ Gender: Male Age: 17 - 18 Birthdate: August 3, 1995 Country: United States Home Address: 2010 Bahama Dr, Bullhead City, AZ 86442-5709 Hometown: Melaka School: Mohave High School School District: Colorado River Union High School District School Address: 2251 Hwy 95, Bullhead City, AZ 86442 School Phone #: 928-758-3916 School Fax #: 928-758-7145 School Site: http://www.mohave.coloradoriverschools.org/ Time Zone: Mountain Time Zone Known Passwords: swaggabagle Skype(s): me.doxist, Toby.donathan, mr.doxist Xbox Live GT: D0xist Hackforums Profile: http://www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1539491 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/l33T.Hacke Current Girlfriend: Layla Powell (https://www.facebook.com/thatonegirlnamedlayla) Swagfag?: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/0ff2bc19fd47733e6ef094d3f16753e9.jpg, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/960ab8a47f9aba7db89c43c6c845d2be.jpg, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/960ab8a47f9aba7db89c43c6c845d2be.jpg Anonfag?: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/fadffe6ad24a23d4e0d46cf6b4ed26b4.png Fail editing to the fullest: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/20fab9fa6fd45164db4d18bbf163091a.jpg Collab Pic's: http://www.anonmgur.com/up/c4f087b8fc94428941d0cc1401a67e6a.png, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/c4f087b8fc94428941d0cc1401a67e6a.png, http://www.anonmgur.com/up/08cb1577492d767b0283545a1c7456e9.png Minecraft Server Info: ID: swagcraftftw Password: swaggabagle Address: Relatives: Sonya Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/sonya.donathan) - (481 Steiger Dr, Bullhead City, AZ 86442-5219) - Home #: 928 758 3791 Jovan Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/jovan.donathan) Calvena Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/calvena.donathan) Joe Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/joe.donathan.7) - (439 Santa Maria Rd, Bullhead City, AZ 86442-5379) - Home #: 928 758 3791 Bill Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/bill.donathan) David Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/david.donathan.1) Patrick Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/patrick.donathan) Tina Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/tina.donathan1) Bob Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/bob.donathan) Jack Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/jack.donathan.1) Joshua Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/jc.donathan) Thomas Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/thomas.donathan) Shawn Donathan (https://www.facebook.com/shawn.donathan) Random// Downloads other ppl's hacks for minecraft & trys to annoy the hell out of ppl with them http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T209MBN_bCQ //video of him "hacking" in minecraft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjLyQKB0rBU //same... video of him hacking in minecraft http://blizzardcraft.com/threads/506/ //Ban request on him lol http://www.icewynd.net/profile/3400569/posts //trying to sign up for moderator (3rd post) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJUe3vxBPic //video of one of Doxist friends trying to act "tough" on XBL & Telling someone,"You dont know shit about booting" lmao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk9AujFTrEs //more gay shit about Doxist on XBL Profiles// http://www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1539491 http://www.icewynd.net/profile/3400569 http://mcbouncer.com/user/exoduspwn3r http://pastebin.com/u/D0xist http://www.venomouspvp.com/profile/3400569 http://www.youtube.com/user/MrDoxist Extra: Says he's a, "Pro Boxer @ Bullhead city health club" //lol Gym Address: 967 Hancock Rd, Bullhead City, AZ 86442 Gym Number: (928) 704-4610 Gym's Domain(s): http://www.bullheadhealthclubbhc.com, http://www.bullheadhealthclubfm.com, http://www.bullheadhealthclub.com