____                     .___                __         _____                __                .___    ___.               ___.       _____              .___        
  / ___\  ____    ____    __| _/ ____  _____  _/  |_     _/ ____\__ __   ____  |  | __  ____    __| _/    \_ |__  ___.__.    \_ |__    /  |  |   ____    __| _/ ______ 
 / /_/  >/  _ \  /  _ \  / __ |_/ ___\ \__  \ \   __\    \   __\|  |  \_/ ___\ |  |/ /_/ __ \  / __ |      | __ \<   |  |     | __ \  /   |  |_ /    \  / __ | /  ___/ 
 \___  /(  <_> )(  <_> )/ /_/ |\  \___  / __ \_|  |       |  |  |  |  /\  \___ |    < \  ___/ / /_/ |      | \_\ \\___  |     | \_\ \/    ^   /|   |  \/ /_/ | \___ \  
/_____/  \____/  \____/ \____ | \___  >(____  /|__|       |__|  |____/  \___  >|__|_ \ \___  >\____ |      |___  // ____|     |___  /\____   | |___|  /\____ |/____  > 
                             \/     \/      \/                              \/      \/     \/      \/          \/ \/              \/      |__|      \/      \/     \/  

[!] Reason Of Dox [!]

[+] Is a LGBTQ+ Supporter and is a furry supporter, said the nword (just found that out so re-uploading this, lmao)

[=] Main Info [=]

[+] Full Name: Unkown
[+] Online Name/Aliaes: GoodCatYT, GoodCat
[+] Age: 16-17
[+] Race: White
[+] Address: 8 Belmont Road Billerica Ma 01821
[+] IP Address: Unknown
[+] ISP: Unknown
{+} Organization: Unknown
[+] Coords: 42°34'26"N 71°14'05"W
[+] His Face: https://files.catbox.moe/6vieqj.png
[+] His House: https://files.catbox.moe/jce8t0.png

[=] Social Media [=]

[+] Discord: goodcatyt <862628186877853696>
[+] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodCatGamer

[+] Proof for dox:
would add more but i need to find some more screen shots

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_/ ___\/  _ \ /     \\____ \__  \\_  __ _/ __ \ / __ |           
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  ___________  ____  ____ _______/ ______ __|  | |  | ___.__.    
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