____ .___ __ _____ __ .___ ___. ___. _____ .___ / ___\ ____ ____ __| _/ ____ _____ _/ |_ _/ ____\__ __ ____ | | __ ____ __| _/ \_ |__ ___.__. \_ |__ / | | ____ __| _/ ______ / /_/ >/ _ \ / _ \ / __ |_/ ___\ \__ \ \ __\ \ __\| | \_/ ___\ | |/ /_/ __ \ / __ | | __ \< | | | __ \ / | |_ / \ / __ | / ___/ \___ /( <_> )( <_> )/ /_/ |\ \___ / __ \_| | | | | | /\ \___ | < \ ___/ / /_/ | | \_\ \\___ | | \_\ \/ ^ /| | \/ /_/ | \___ \ /_____/ \____/ \____/ \____ | \___ >(____ /|__| |__| |____/ \___ >|__|_ \ \___ >\____ | |___ // ____| |___ /\____ | |___| /\____ |/____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ |__| \/ \/ \/ [!] Reason Of Dox [!] [+] Is a LGBTQ+ Supporter and is a furry supporter, said the nword (just found that out so re-uploading this, lmao) [=] Main Info [=] [+] Full Name: Unkown [+] Online Name/Aliaes: GoodCatYT, GoodCat [+] Age: 16-17 [+] Race: White [+] Address: 8 Belmont Road Billerica Ma 01821 [+] IP Address: Unknown [+] ISP: Unknown {+} Organization: Unknown [+] Coords: 42°34'26"N 71°14'05"W [+] His Face: https://files.catbox.moe/6vieqj.png [+] His House: https://files.catbox.moe/jce8t0.png [=] Social Media [=] [+] Discord: goodcatyt <862628186877853696> [+] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodCatGamer [+] Proof for dox: https://files.catbox.moe/dptilm.png would add more but i need to find some more screen shots .___ | | _______ ____ ______ | | \_ __ _/ __ \\____ \ | | | | \\ ___/| |_> > |___| |__| \___ | __/ /\ .__ \/|__| )/ .__ __ _____| | _____ __ __ ____ | |___/ |_ ___________ / ___| | \__ \ | | \/ ___\| | \ ___/ __ \_ __ \ \___ \| |__/ __ \| | / /_/ | Y | | \ ___/| | \/ /____ |____(____ |____/\___ /|___| |__| \___ |__| /\ _____\/____ | |\/_ /_____/ \/ \/ )/ \____ \__ \ | |/ / | |_> / __ \| < | __(____ |__|_ \ /\ .___ |__|__ ___\/ ___\/ )/_________ _______ ____ __| _/ _/ ___\/ _ \ / \\____ \__ \\_ __ _/ __ \ / __ | \ \__( <_> | Y Y | |_> / __ \| | \\ ___// /_/ | \___ \____/|__|_| | __(____ |__| \___ \____ | /\ \/ \/|__| \/_____ .\/ .__\/ )/ ___________ ____ ____ _______/ ______ __| | | | ___.__. _/ ___\_ __ _/ __ _/ __ \\____ \ __| | | | | |< | | \ \___| | \\ ___\ ___/| |_> | | | | | |_| |_\___ | \___ |__| \___ \___ | __/|__| |____/|____|____/ ____| /\ \/ \/ \/|__| \/ \/