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 Reason to be doxxed: Pretends to be ayran but is actually a fat gluttonous on the internet. Unfunny, is into animals, wears a fursuit, dresses in his mom's panties, and gets off to children.

⛧ Name: Ciaran Richardson
⛧ Online Alias: zora, zoraphobic, zoraboygetemhollywood_star1
⛧ Location: 105 S Fordice St Russellville, IN 46175 
⛧ Face: https://i.imgur.com/1nxwWDI.png
⛧ Family Photo: https://imgur.com/a/28B8JKO (He's the second to the left)
⛧ He having a tickle party with his brother and mom: https://streamable.com/yx71t1
⛧ He thinking he electrocuted his head and his brother spraying water at him: https://streamable.com/zpz75
Family Members
⛧ Scott Edward Richardson
⛧ Age: 49
⛧ Relation to zora: Dad
⛧ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scott.richardson.100/
⛧ Face: https://imgur.com/a/hDwhNNY https://imgur.com/BYel8oj 
⛧ Tamrha Gatti Richardson
⛧ Age: 48
⛧ Relation to Zora: Mom
⛧ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tamrha.Gatti.Richardson/
⛧ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/witchoftheeasttarot/
⛧ Face: https://imgur.com/a/o2GQ8x1 https://imgur.com/a/Y5Bb30d 
⛧ Her crying: https://streamable.com/2ha2ke
⛧ Aidan Richardson
⛧ Age: 17
⛧ Relation to Zora: Brother
⛧ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aidan.richardson.16
⛧ Face: https://imgur.com/a/iCgMJjN https://imgur.com/a/BM4FMvl
⛧ Birthday Video: https://streamable.com/qgl1ud
⛧ Him Being Shit at the drums: https://streamable.com/dj00xx