Orsini stand for the highest quality doxes available.
Each person who is placed by Orsini isn't innocent.
They are usually pedophiles or people blackmailing others.

			Nickname: BOHUN
			First Name: Patryk
			Last Name: Pyzel
			Birthday: 30.08.1995
			Address: Aleja SolidarnoĊ›ci 12a/3, 03-411 Warszawa, Poland
			Number: +48503390789
			Firm: Patryk Pyzel | https://aleo.com/pl/firma/patryk-pyzel-warszawa
			Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patrykpyzel
			Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parimple
			X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/PatrykPyzel
			Discord (ID): 956602391891947592
			Snapchat: parimple
			Mail: pyzelpatryk@gmail.com
			Bank (IBAN): PL04187010452078107229900001

			Information: Patryk, the owner of a polish Discord server called "zaGadka," is currently
			not dedicating as much time to this project. However, in the past, he boasted about
 			establishing connections with young girls as the server owner. Unfortunately, some of these
 			girls have experienced negative situations and were afraid to express their opinions.

	Additional information:

			Father: Roman Robert Pyzel
			Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robert.pyzel.71

			Mother: Agnieszka Pyzel
			Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/agnieszka.pyzel.5

			Sister: Anastazja Pyzel
			Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anastazja.pyzel.79

	Photos, videos and audios:

			If anything would be taken down, please let us know. We have backups of everything.