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                                             DOXED BY L3s aka Light3liteSquad
william dale vinson 25 years old
address 1716 Ester St ashland kentucky
hes lived there for about a year he purchased property for 160,000
hes lied about living in west virginia he hasnt lived there since 2013
he graduated high school from paul blazer high school
he drives a 2003 chevy silverado extended cab with z71 offroad package
he currently works on the barges he got laid off for 2 weeks before returning to work full time
he pays mexicans to clean his house because hes lazy and doesnt want to do it himself
hes 6'2 195 pounds of garbage he makes 60 k a year and doesnt buy good enough servers for his customers
he has way to many people that kiss his ass and im sick of it
                                                  GET RAN SKID L3s Runs the scene fuck d3s