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Reason of dox: catfishing my homies isn't a good idea
yubz_ (prev:yubz#0001 - 9th of November 2006
Om Wi Er(owr1109 on ig)

Mom: (mglim on disc): Lim Mee Guat (li.meeguat on ig) 
Dad: (Johor Bahru) Malaysia or 
IP Addresses:
Malaysia or
Phone: (OPPO A3S) 
Mostly uses this for her Log-ins: 
e-mail: yubisan35@gmail.com 
password: zhongli69 or astroiloveyou01 or zhonglithehottest69 
Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIab2wPKZhKr2JbTuTvl8GkhWSp3lOuG2 

Confessions: Had sex with a 22 year old (Sean/ sean.tyj on ig), 
going out drinking and smoking (
You can tell this to her mom). Catfished my homie using her friend 
(lmr_0625 on ig) 
Images: Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1065188470051573831/1096097383668011068/SPOILER_IMG_20230413_233727.jpg?width=303&height=657 
Dad: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1065188470051573831/1094892922543022110/IMG_4656.jpg?width=876&height=657