Mathias / Youraccount Dox

Dox by: tedward#0666

Reason for dox: Animal Cruelty, Autism, Scamming

Personal Info

Real Name: Mathias Alm
Moms Name: Henriette Alm
Dads Name: Unkown


Country: Norway
City: Kolbu
Address: Sørlimarka 2, Kolbu, Norway, 2847
IP Address: Unkown as of now

Account Info(s)

Discord: rolex#9999
PayPal email:
Most Common Used Password: Svarten17
Moms Credit Card:
Name on Card: Henriette Alm
Card Number: 4593906173827711
Expiration Date: 10/22
Security Code: Unkown


Proof of Animal Cruelty:
Proof of Scamming:

(Full) reason for dox:

About a month ago, this person joined a discord server I was staff on with the username "youraccount." he talked about how he stole his grandmas credit card and bought nitros to buy fortnite accounts, so i scammed his carded shit lmao. not just once, but 8 times. he is retarded asf. today, he sent me a video of himself torturing a cat which is what motivated me to leak this.

enjoy < 3

doxxed by tedward#0666

i dont fuck around