Name: John Guajardo
Age: 69
Phone Number: 8327080415
Address: 14323 Twisted Canyon Dr
Email: jj_thetech@yahoo.com
John Guajardo
Age 69 (Oct 1953)
Current Address
PO Box 740408
Houston, TX 77274
Phone Numbers
(832) 708-0415 - Wireless
(832) 541-0178 - Wireless
(281) 213-2503 - VOIP
(713) 661-2214 - Landline
(713) 771-3629 - Landline
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Associated Names
John Joe Guajardo, Juan Jose Guajardo Jr, Juan J Guajardo Sr, Juan J Juajardo, Jhon J Guajardo, Jaun Guajardo Sr, Jennifer J Guajardo Sr, Juan H Muro, Guajardo Jose Juan, Juan Guajrdo, Juan Guardo Sr
Previous Addresses
14323 Twisted Canyon Dr
Cypress, TX 77429
(May 2016)
12500 Barker Cypress Rd #18203
Cypress, TX 77429
(May 2016)
5915 Flintlock Rd #607
Houston, TX 77040
(May 2016)
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Possible Relatives
Laura L Guajardo, Emmanuel Guajardo, Jennifer Evette Vargasguajardo, Juan Jose Guajardo Jr, Alexander Guajardo
Possible Associates
Ricardo C Delfin, Agustina Lerma, Andrea N Vargas, April Nicole Vargas, Arturo J Gonzalez, Arturo L Lerma, Jason E Vargas, Johnny Vargas, Jonathan Elliott Vargas, Kenneth E Vargas, Maria L Romero, Ofilia R Lerma, Pauline Vargas, Pedro Lerma, Petra Rojas Sandoval-vargas, Rigoberto Gonzalez, Rolando Lerma, Veronica I G Gonzalez
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