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             |__   /|\_,--.,-.--,--._/|\   __|                  DONT MESS WITH US!!!!!!!!
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Name:                       Marc Schmidt
Gender:                     Male
Weight:                     Skinny leek
Located:                    Germany, Florstadt 61197
Birth:                      11.05.1995
Peculiarities of the face:  septum and tunnels

Number:                     +49 160 95342032
Facebook:                   https://www.facebook.com/marc.romeo.566
Instagram:                  youngceazer
Snapchat:                   ygceazer
Telegram:                   N3LC95

Reason:                     Tries often enough to date underaged Girls (12-14)
                            The typical angry middleschool bully which lie and scam people and never matures

                                                                DAS WAR ERST DER ANFANG!!!!