(                                 _
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| $$  \__| $$  \ $| $$$$  /$$$$ | $$ | $$     | $$     | $$            | $$  \ $| $$  \ $|  $$/ $$/                                 0_0/____/        \
| $$     | $$$$$$$| $$ $$/$$ $$ | $$ | $$     | $$     | $$$$$         | $$  | $| $$  | $$\  $$$$/                                      |----    /----\
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| $$    $| $$  | $| $$\  $ | $$ | $$ | $$     | $$     | $$            | $$  | $| $$  | $$/$$/\  $$                                    ||   || ||\      \
|  $$$$$$| $$  | $| $$ \/  | $$/$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$$      | $$$$$$$|  $$$$$$| $$  \ $$                                     \\____// '|      \
 \______/|__/  |__|__/     |__|______|________|________|________/      |_______/ \______/|__/  |__/             DICK CHEESE GANG!               .'/       |
                                                                                                                                               .:/        |
|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x00  CREDITS..................................          |
|      0x01  CAMILLE..................................          |
|      0x02  FATHER...................................          |
|      0x03  MOTHER...................................          |
|      0x04  EMAIL INFO...............................          |
|      0x05  RELATIVES................................          |
|      0x06  SILLY PHOTOS AND VIDEOS..................          |
|      0x07  DISCORD MOD..............................          |

     - just a burning memory#9217                                                                         |------|
     - UGLY                                                                                               |-0x00-|
     - PROF. WANG                                                                                         |------|
     - TILLIE [made format]

REASON FOR DOX:                                                                                                                                                                                         
One of her discord mods asked us to for money :)

Daughter/Camille Ellis:
     - Age: 18
     - Address: 11702 Perry St, Westminster, CO 80031
     - DOB: January 2, 2004
     - Birthplace: Utah
     - Birth Sign: Capricorn
     - Discord: cam#9288

     - camille@camilletv.com
     - cl******@gmail.com

     - Camille
     - yeCamille
     - Pinkcamille
     - Cam
     - camilleelliss
     - camilleettv                                                                                        |------|
Socials:                                                                                                  |------|
     - https://www.instagram.com/camilleelliss/
     - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVkleugm-8KYKucTR0mU58Q
     - https://www.instagram.com/camilleelliss/
     - https://www.snapchat.com/add/camille.ellis?share_id=MkI0NDNB&locale=en_US
     - https://twitter.com/camilleettv
     - https://www.tiktok.com/@camilleettv?lang=en
     - https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/29B1MPAJMVD4?ref_=wl_share
     - https://account.venmo.com/u/camilletv
     - https://namemc.com/profile/pinkcamille.1
     - discord.gg/camille

IRL Photos:
     - https://a.pomf.cat/geaxzs.png
     - https://a.pomf.cat/ydrhcu.png
     - https://a.pomf.cat/kxviqy.png

Additional Info:
     - School: Westminster High School
     - Eboyfriends IP: (might be outdated)
     - Has huge ego and Edates
     - Acts super harmful but gets eboys to do shit for her
     - https://www.stargateschool.org/?fbclid=IwAR3bRqfju6gZFa7FvkJ9r4Yvvr62jrF2Rb6kqf7tJT3RpiJFQY1EmvRM (old school)

Father/Daniel D Ellis:
     - Full Name: Daniel David Ellis 
     - Age: 47
     - Address: 11702 Perry St, Westminster, CO 80031
     - Country: USA
     - DOB: September 17th 1975                                                              
Phone Numbers:                                                                                   
     - Landline number (303) 460-0600                                                            
     - Current phone number (720) 938-7960                                                                                                                                            
Social Medias:                                                                                            |------|
     - https://www.facebook.com/danatbeach                                                                |-0x02-|
     - https://www.tiktok.com/@dadtok46                                                                   |------|
     - https://www.instagram.com/danatbeach/
     - https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-ellis-17a3a21b6

IRL Photos:
     - https://a.pomf.cat/anksml.png
     - https://a.pomf.cat/zrvflh.png
     - https://a.pomf.cat/phukub.png

     - danielellis@gmail.com
     - daniel.ellis@usbank.com

Additional Info:
     - Likes to sue people
     - Studied at University of Washington
     - Studied at University Of St. Thomas - Opus College Of Business
     - Financial Advisor at Western Wealth Advisors LLC
     - Relatives Kay R Carpenter, Daniel Deshawn Dodd, Catherine Anne Ellis, Chong S Ellis, David T Ellis

Mother/Catherine A Ellis:
     - Full Name: Catherine Anne Ellis
     - Age: 45
     - Address: 11702 Perry St, Westminster, CO 80031
     - Country: USA
     - DOB: April 29th 1977

Phone numbers: 
     - (303) 460-0600 
     - (720) 938-7960
Emails:                                                                                                   |-0x03-|                 
     - Business Email cehomedesign@comcast.net                                                            |------|
     - Main email: caellis1@gmail.com : (44441616) Old password
     - kates_ellis@yahoo.com

Social Media:
    - https://www.facebook.com/cehomedesign/

IRL Photos:
     - https://a.pomf.cat/dkwvag.png
     - https://a.pomf.cat/ukhthn.png

Additional Info:
     - Catherine Ellis Design LLC
     - Residential design firm specializing in meticulously organized spaces that flow, are unique and interesting, and leave a lasting architectural impression.
     - Professional Building Designer at Catherine Ellis Design LLC
     - Likes building houses like fortnite

Email Information:
caellis1@gmail.com Signed Up to:

     - Skype.com
     - adobe.com
     - nike.com
     - spotify.com
     - vrbo.com
     - zoho.com

cehomedesign@comcast.net Signed Up to:

     - adobe.com
     - zoho.com                                                                                           |------|
danielellis@gmail.com Signed Up to:                                                                       |------|

     - discord.com
     - pornhub.com
     - spotify.com
     - twitter.com
     - vrbo.com
     - zoho.com

kates_ellis@yahoo.com Signed Up to:

     - amazon.com
     - nike.com
     - spotify.com
     - twitter.com

Nothing on daniel.ellis@usbank.com and camille@camilletv.com

Dads Relatives:

     - Chong S Ellis, 68
     - Stephen L Ellis, 65
     - Robert E Ellis, 36 
     - Edward T Ellis 
     - Chong C Choo, 82               
     - Richard Jewell, 53
     - Mary J Ellis, 83
     - Catherine A Ellis, 45
     - David T Ellis, 69 
     - Lezlie C Daniels, 55                                                                               |------|
Moms Relatives:                                                                                           |------|

     - Kay R Carpenter, 72  
     - Robert B Carpenter, 71   
     - Elias Eli Carpenter, 48   
     - Nate I Carpenter, 41   
     - Cori J Carpenter, 39   
     - Blake C Kimball, 41   
     - C Blaine Kimball, 100   
     - Amanda L Kimball, 44  
     - Douglas C Daniels, 55
     - Jaime Grant, 45

Piano Lessons:
     - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=490715904793924
     - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=795180084184262
     - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=423355238416940
     - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=998692263565143
     - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=998691640231872
     - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=756201931147512
     - https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=752898161477889                                                  |------|
Silly Photos:                                                                                             |------|
     - https://a.pomf.cat/viyrjf.png Selfie!!!!
     - https://a.pomf.cat/jldukt.png Juice box fiend
     - https://a.pomf.cat/eachum.png Catfish?!?!?!?!?!?
     - https://a.pomf.cat/rcihac.png Family Photo
     - https://a.pomf.cat/gpsqld.png Didn't know you were freaky like that danny boy.
     - https://a.pomf.cat/uhoyry.png Beach day!!!!
     - https://a.pomf.cat/cszrgl.png NO MAKEUP WTF!!!! 

______ _____ _____ _____ _________________  ___  ______________ 
|  _  |_   _/  ___/  __ |  _  | ___ |  _  \ |  \/  |  _  |  _  \
| | | | | | \ `--.| /  \| | | | |_/ | | | | | .  . | | | | | | |                                          |------|
| | | | | |  `--. | |   | | | |    /| | | | | |\/| | | | | | | |                                          |-0x07-|
| |/ / _| |_/\__/ | \__/\ \_/ | |\ \| |/ /  | |  | \ \_/ | |/ /                                           |------|
|___/  \___/\____/ \____/\___/\_| \_|___/   \_|  |_/\___/|___/  


TARGET: Yana Kudenejeva 
     - Age: 20
     - DOB: June 16th, 2002
     - Address: 715 E Glendale Ave, Unit 4, Milwaukee WI 53211
     - Phone:(•••) •••-••20
     - Discord: yana#7051

     - Natalja Howell   
     - Stan Kudenejeva  

     - Yanakud0616@gmail.com (yana*****) old password
     - contact.iisyana@gmail.com
     - yanakudenejeva@gmail.com

     - https://twitter.com/iisyanaFPS/with_replies
     - https://www.facebook.com/yana.kudenejeva.3
     - https://www.twitch.tv/iisyana
     - https://www.instagram.com/yanakudenejeva/?hl=en
     - https://www.snapchat.com/add/yanak16
     - https://www.tiktok.com/@iisyanai?lang=en
     - valorant: yana#uwu

     - https://a.pomf.cat/abufet.png
     - https://a.pomf.cat/biafrg.png

Additional Info: 
     - Girl Scouts https://issuu.com/girlscoutswise/docs/2012annualreport/16

TARGETS MOTHER: Natalja Lynn Howell
     - Age: 43
     - Address: 14312 Gnatcatcher Ter Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 
     - Phone: (304) 646-6340 (740) 547-9113

     - natalie.akers@hotmail.com:flecter2012 
     - nathow161@hotmail.com:Tiger08

     - Address: 2636 S 66th St Milwaukee, WI 53219
     - Phone: (414) 510-7205
     - Email: cbr0129@yahoo.com