__      __  __    __  ________  ________        _______    ______   __    __ 
|  \    /  \|  \  |  \|        \|        \      |       \  /      \ |  \  |  \
 \$$\  /  $$| $$  | $$ \$$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$$      | $$$$$$$\|  $$$$$$\| $$  | $$
  \$$\/  $$ | $$__| $$    /  $$     /  $$       | $$  | $$| $$  | $$ \$$\/  $$
   \$$  $$  | $$    $$   /  $$     /  $$        | $$  | $$| $$  | $$  >$$  $$ 
    \$$$$    \$$$$$$$$  /  $$     /  $$         | $$  | $$| $$  | $$ /  $$$$\ 
    | $$          | $$ /  $$___  /  $$___       | $$__/ $$| $$__/ $$|  $$ \$$\
    | $$          | $$|  $$    \|  $$    \      | $$    $$ \$$    $$| $$  | $$
     \$$           \$$ \$$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$$       \$$$$$$$   \$$$$$$  \$$   \$$

**Reason for doxing:** catfisher. claims he is a "girl" and shows photo of his girlfriend [girlfriend leak soon +++++ photos of her ❤️ ]
Got ddosed 10 times from us, doxed  & fucked, by cloudyy with love < 3 

Common Names: Y4zz, device, visual, vencord.dev
Phone Number: +35 1927179420
IP Address:
E-Mail Address: claudiodr1p1234@gmail.com
Common Passwords: pimentinha12345! & Pimentinha1234

First Name: Claudio
Last Name: ~Soon~
Age: 19
Country: Portugal
State: Lisboa
City: Oeiras

-- IP Information --

Hostname:    Bl9-189-88.dsl.telepac.pt
Internet Protocol:    IPv4 - IP Version 4
Types:    Public
IP Classes:    Class A Range
( to
Reverse DNS:
Blacklist Check:    Not Blacklisted (Clean)
[Blacklist Check]
TOR (The Onion Router) Network:    Not detected in TOR exit nodes list
NSLookup (Nameservers):    
dnscoi1aut02.local >> dnscoi1aut02.local
dnscoi1aut01.local >> dnscoi1aut01.local
ns2.telepac.pt >>
ns4.telepac.pt >>
dnsbho1aut01.local >> dnsbho1aut01.local
dnsbho1aut02.local >> dnsbho1aut02.local
ns.telepac.pt >>
IP Location Details
Continent:    Europe (EU)
Europe Area:    10,180,000 km² (3,930,000 square miles)
Europe Density:    72.9 per km² (188 per square mile)
Europe Population:    750 million (the third largest population) - 9.8%
Europe Life Expectancy:    81 years females & 75 years males
Country:    Portugal   IP Location Found In Portugal (PT)
National Motto:    This is my blissful beloved homeland
Anthem:    The Portuguese (adopted 1911)
Capital:    Lisbon
State:    Lisboa
City:    Oeiras
Postal:    2780-009
ISP / Organization:    Servicos De Comunicacoes E Multimedia S.A.
AS Number:    AS3243 Servicos De Comunicacoes E Multimedia S.A.
IP Weather
IP Weather Station: Oeiras
Sky: overcast clouds
Temp: 39.1 ℃ (max 39.1 ℃ / min 39.1 ℃)
Wind Speed: 5.3 m/s
Wind Direction: 154.0°
Humidity: 20%
Cloudiness: 100%
Atmospheric pressure: 1006 kPa
Time Zone:    Europe/Lisbon