Michael Harney
in Chesterton, IN (Indiana)
Age 75
Current Address
517 Jefferson Ave
Chesterton IN 46304
Porter County
Since September 2018

Full Name:
Michael Harney
Full Background Report  (Sponsored)
Current & Past Contact Info
Addresses & Phone Numbers
Business Records
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Properties & Assets
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Phone Numbers
for Michael Harney in Chesterton, IN
(732) 240-4436 (Primary Phone)
Verizon New Jersey Inc
First reported July 2008
(248) 553-4343
Ameritech Michigan
First reported September 1993
(734) 553-4343
Telnet Worldwide Inc
First reported March 2017
(248) 762-8697
Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless - MI
First reported August 2013
Michael J Harney
Sponsored By BeenVerified.com
Michael John Harney
Chesterton, IN
Age 75
Sponsored By TruthFinder.com
Michael J Harney
Sponsored By PeopleLooker.com
Email Addresses
for Michael Harney in Chesterton, IN
Also Known As
Mr Michael J Harney
M J Harney
Mike Harney
M Harney
Mr Michael J Harney
Mike J Harney
Susan Harney
M Jharney

Previous Addresses
used by Michael Harney
36170 Fredericksburg Rd
Farmington Hills MI 48331
Oakland County
Recorded November 2005
Home Phone: (248) 553-4343
1001 Camino Real Ct
Toms River NJ 08757
Ocean County
Recorded July 2008
Home Phone: (732) 240-4436
1214 W 7th St, Unit 630777
Cincinnati OH 45203
Hamilton County
Recorded January 2008
of Michael Harney in Chesterton, IN
Susan Harney
Age 66 (Apr 1955)
Benjamin Harney
Age 33 (Jul 1987)
Dennis Harney
Age 72 (Feb 1949)
John Harney
Age 101 (Aug 1919)
Marie Harney
Age 103 (Apr 1918)
Michael Harney
Age 67 (Jan 1954)
Anne Walsh
Age 57 (Apr 1964)
Anne Walsh
Age 74 (Feb 1947)
Anne Walsh
Age 74 (Feb 1947)
Bard Harvey
Age 85 (Aug 1935)
Beverley Harney
Age 62 (Jan 1959)
Clarence Walsh
Age 38 (May 1983)
Daryl Turner
Age 56 (Apr 1965)
Donna Harney
Age 77 (Mar 1944)
Joshua Harvey
Age 36 (Apr 1985)
Laurel Price
Age 71 (Sep 1949)
Ruth Harney
Age 92 (Mar 1929)
Timothy Walsh
Age 76 (Feb 1945)
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Is Michael Harney Currently Married?
Free public records suggest that Michael Harney is likely married to Susan Beth Harney.

of Michael Harney living at
517 Jefferson Ave, Chesterton IN 46304
Mary Hamilton
(219) 929-7346
516 Jefferson Ave
Chesterton IN 46304
Joan Nadratowski
(219) 983-2679
514 Jefferson Ave
Chesterton IN 46304
Joshua Russel
(219) 306-9013
513 Jefferson Ave
Chesterton IN 46304
Julie Carlson
(219) 983-1806
521 Jefferson Ave
Chesterton IN 46304
Robert Recknagel
(219) 512-6879
524 Jefferson Ave
Chesterton IN 46304
Michele Gillman
(219) 928-8116
525 Jefferson Ave
Chesterton IN 46304
FREE Background Report for Michael Harney in Chesterton, IN (Indiana)
Michael Harney is 75 years old and was born in March of 1946. Currently Michael lives at the address 517 Jefferson Ave, Chesterton IN 46304. Michael has lived at this Chesterton, IN address for about 2 years, after moving in around September of 2018. Michael previosly lived at 36170 Fredericksburg Rd, Farmington Hills MI 48331 for 2 years, starting in November of 2005. Going further back, starting in July of 2008, Michael lived at 1001 Camino Real Ct, Toms River NJ 08757.

It is likely that Michael Harney is married to 66 year old Susan Beth Harney. The following people are relatives or close associates of Michael: Benjamin Harney(33), Dennis Harney(72), John Harney(101), Marie Harney(103), Michael Harney(66), Robert Price(75), Shannon Harney(39), Altus Harvey(67), Anne Walsh(57) and Anne Walsh(74).

Michael's current phone number is (732) 240-4436. This Landline number was issued by 'Verizon New Jersey Inc', first reported in public records on July of 2008. Past phone numbers for Michael include (248) 553-4343, (734) 553-4343 and (248) 762-8697. The primary email address for Michael is michmikeh@comcast.net. Michael has also used the following email accounts: michael.harney@yahoo.com and michael.harney@juno.com.

Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Michael Harney?
Michael Harney is 75 years old, and was born in March of 1946.

Where does Michael Harney live currently?
Michael Harney's current address is 517 Jefferson Ave, Chesterton IN 46304. Michael has lived there for about 2 years, since September of 2018.

Who is related to Michael Harney?
Michael Harney is likely related to the following people: Susan Harney, Benjamin Harney, Dennis Harney, John Harney, Marie Harney, Michael Harney, Robert Price, Shannon Harney, Altus Harvey, Anne Walsh, Anne Walsh

What is the best phone number for Michael Harney?
Michael Harney's latest phone number is a landline at (732) 240-4436.

What is the best email for Michael Harney?
michmikeh@comcast.net is the most current email on record for Michael Harney.

Is Michael Harney alive today?
Yes! Michael Harney is living today.

Does Michael Harney go by any other names or aliases?
Michael Harney may also go by the following names or aliases: Mr Michael J Harney, M J Harney, Mike Harney, M Harney, Mr Michael J Harney, Mike J Harney, Susan Harney, M Jharney

Where did Michael Harney live previously?
Michael Harney was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 36170 Fredericksburg Rd, Farmington Hills MI 48331 | 1001 Camino Real Ct, Toms River NJ 08757 | 1214 W 7th St, Unit 630777, Cincinnati OH 45203

What email addresses have been used by Michael Harney?
Michael Harney has used the following email addresses: michmikeh@comcast.net, michael.harney@yahoo.com, michael.harney@juno.com

What phone numbers have been used by Michael Harney?
Michael Harney has been registered with the following phone numbers: (732) 240-4436, (248) 553-4343, (734) 553-4343, (248) 762-8697

Is Michael Harney associated wth any businesses?
We do not show Michael Harney associated with any business records