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| | \___/ \__,_|_| |_|_|\___/|_|    \/   \___/|_|   \__|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__\___/  | |
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| | |  .||. ' ,---.  ,--,--. ,---.  ,---. ,--,--,                                   | |
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| | `--' '--' `----' `--`--'`----'  `---' `--''--'                                  | |
| |                                                                                 | |
| | Tuna has a long history of scamming kids, abusing power given to him, stealing  | |
| | from clients who trust him, and leaking data he has been trusted                | |
| | with (https://pastebin.com/TqCQ2dEp). Tuna is a scammer. He has no real job     | |
| | and puts his own children at risk by doing the shit he does.                    | |
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| +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
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| | 888    | d888   i  Y88b/                                                        | |
| | 888    | 8888   |   Y88b                                                        | |
| | 888   /  Y888   '   /Y88b                                                       | |
| | 888_-~    "88_-~   /  Y88b                                                      | |
| |                                                                                 | |
| |  Username:XXJUST15

       Father name is : Kenneth Bryant 
      Mother name is  :  null
      Fathers unit is 2735 se 16 ave unit 102 homestead florida
      Current home address is  1663 se 29th st, 102,homestead florida 33035
      ip address: