__       ____________ ________   ________  ____     ___       ________      ____  ____      ___ ___       ___      _        ____   
          `MMb     dMM`MMMMMMMMM `MMMMMMMb. `MMMMMMMb.`MM(     )M'       `MMMMMMMb.   6MMMMb `MM(      )M' `MMb     dMM'     dM.      6MMMMb\ 
           MMM.   ,PMM MM      \  MM    `Mb  MM    `Mb `MM.    d'         MM    `Mb  8P    Y8 `MM.     d'   MMM.   ,PMM     ,MMb     6M'    ` 
           M`Mb   d'MM MM         MM     MM  MM     MM  `MM.  d'          MM     MM 6M      Mb `MM.   d'    M`Mb   d'MM     d'YM.    MM       
           M YM. ,P MM MM    ,    MM     MM  MM     MM   `MM d'           MM     MM MM      MM  `MM. d'     M YM. ,P MM    ,P `Mb    YM.      
           M `Mb d' MM MMMMMMM    MM    .M9  MM    .M9    `MM'            MM     MM MM      MM   `MMd       M `Mb d' MM    d'  YM.    YMMMMb  
           M  YM.P  MM MM    `    MMMMMMM9'  MMMMMMM9'     MM             MM     MM MM      MM    dMM.      M  YM.P  MM   ,P   `Mb        `Mb 
           M  `Mb'  MM MM         MM  \M\    MM  \M\       MM             MM     MM MM      MM   d'`MM.     M  `Mb'  MM   d'    YM.        MM 
           M   YP   MM MM         MM   \M\   MM   \M\      MM             MM     MM YM      M9  d'  `MM.    M   YP   MM  ,MMMMMMMMb        MM 
           M   `'   MM MM      /  MM    \M\  MM    \M\     MM             MM    .M9  8b    d8  d'    `MM.   M   `'   MM  d'      YM. L    ,M9 
          _M_      _MM_MMMMMMMMM _MM_    \M\_MM_    \M\_  _MM_           _MMMMMMM9'   YMMMM9 _M(_    _)MM_ _M_      _MM_dM_     _dMM_MYMMMM9  

                                             .                                             .
                                             .         1// Intro               .      .    .
                                             .         2// Wesley              _\/  \/_    .
                                             .         3// Friends              _\/\/_     .
                                             .         4// Other            _\_\_\/\/_/_/_ .
                                             .         5// Credits           / /_/\/\_\ \  .
                                             .                                  _/\/\_     .
                                             .                                  /\  /\     .
                                             .                                 '      '    .
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    │       1 // Introduction                                                                                   |
     Youngest pedophile of all time that takes advantage of kids because they have no money by telling that 
     he'll pay them money in exchange for nudes. What he doesn't know is that Santa knows about his plan to
     beam the underage children out of their nudes to finally... after a lengthy process, beat his meat.
     Santa likes to level the playing field, by exposing his plans and his disgusting self to his friends,
     family and even his school administrators! Wow, what a wonderful night to give presents to the naughty!
    │       2 // Wesley                                                                                         |
     Name: Wesley Williams
     Aliases: willis, Wesley, wesley_williams17, weswillis_12
     Age: 17-18, he's a senior so 50/50
     Addresses: Colombus or Marysville, Ohio (Wasn't looking, just wanted his socials)
     Education: Worthington Kilbourne High School, expelled for allegedly "sucking dick at school"
     Phone: iPhone 8
     Phone Number: 614 - 949 - 2848
                    Notice! Be sure to call him as much as you can, he hates it. 
  Pictures: http://prntscr.com/m23a78 - would HIGHLY recommend https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/
         -    https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/505494763886215168/529902504641691660/Capture_2019-01-01-00-34-47.png?width=411&height=683 
         -    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/522464844604243997/529934107216445460/Capture_2019-01-01-01-49-16.png
         -    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505494763886215168/529902444742836225/IMG_20190101_015242_651.jpg

                                 /                      \
                                 |  ??? ??????? ????   |
                                 |         -            |
             ______________      | Dear Wesley,         |
            /         \    \     | you've been a        |
           /           \    \    | bad kitten so instead|
          / _________   \    |   | of coal,youre getting|
          \/     _   \  /    |   | a .txt from me, Zac. |
           \ /    \   \/_    |   |         -            |
           |  O_O_/   || \_  \   | next year, improve   |
          / __(_ __   ||   \ /   | your behaviour       |
         /\/___\___\_/  \  /_\   | or its a zine x_x    |
        /      __        \/   \  |   enjoy,             |
        |                |\___/  |                      |
        |                | \     |                      |
  ______|________        |  \    |   x_x x_x x_x x_x    |
 /              /\       /   \    \____________________/
 |              | \     /     \
 \______________\  |___/       \
  _|___            |_____\      \
 /|  __|           |_|| o \      \
| |    \           |_||____\_____/\
\_|____/     /     |        \_____/____
   |        //     |         /     \   \
   |       //      |_________\_/\   \   \__  ______
   |      /        |         /_ |_/_/      \/_//__/|
   |               |________// \|  \      //_//__/||\_
   |               |        \__//   |    / | ||__|/_  \
   |               |        |       |    \_|_/         \
   |  ___________  | |      |       /                   |
    \               \|______|      /              _____ |
     \               \      |      |      \\     _/   / |
      \               \_____|______\___    \    -/___/  |
       \                         ______\_____          /
        \                       / \          \        /
         \__________________    \ |           |______/
                            \    /            /

 _____                             _             _                                             _  _  _  _               __   _____ 
/  ___|                           | |           | |    ______                                 (_)| || |(_)             /  | / __  \
\ `--.  _ __    __ _  _ __    ___ | |__    __ _ | |_  |______| __      __  ___  ___ __      __ _ | || | _  ___         `| | `' / /'
 `--. \| '_ \  / _` || '_ \  / __|| '_ \  / _` || __|  ______  \ \ /\ / / / _ \/ __|\ \ /\ / /| || || || |/ __|         | |   / /  
/\__/ /| | | || (_| || |_) || (__ | | | || (_| || |_  |______|  \ V  V / |  __/\__ \ \ V  V / | || || || |\__ \        _| |_./ /___
\____/ |_| |_| \__,_|| .__/  \___||_| |_| \__,_| \__|            \_/\_/   \___||___/  \_/\_/  |_||_||_||_||___/        \___/\_____/
                     | |                                                                                        ______             
                     |_|                                                                                       |______|            

       .     .                       *** **
                !      .           ._*.                       .
             - -*- -       .-'-.   !  !     .
    .    .      *       .-' .-. '-.!  !             .              .
               ***   .-' .-'   '-. '-.!    .
       *       ***.-' .-'         '-. '-.                   .
       *      ***$*.-'               '-. '-.     *
  *   ***     * ***     ___________     !-..!-.  *     *         *    *
  *   ***    **$** *   !__!__!__!__!    !    !  ***   ***    .   *   ***
 *** ****    * *****   !__!__!__!__!    !      .***-.-*** *     *** * #_
**********  * ****$ *  !__!__!__!__!    !-..--'*****   # '*-..---# ***
**** *****  * $** ***      .            !      *****     ***       ***
************ ***** ***-..-' -.._________!     *******    ***      *****
***********   .-#.-'           '-.-''-..!     *******   ****...     #
  # ''-.---''                           '-....---#..--'****** ''-.---''-
    │       3 // Family                                                                                         |

             █████▒ ▄▄▄       ███▄ ▄███▓ ██▓ ██▓    ▓██   ██▓
           ▓██   ▒ ▒████▄    ▓██▒▀█▀ ██▒▓██▒▓██▒     ▒██  ██▒
           ▒████ ░ ▒██  ▀█▄  ▓██    ▓██░▒██▒▒██░      ▒██ ██░
           ░▓█▒  ░ ░██▄▄▄▄██ ▒██    ▒██ ░██░▒██░      ░ ▐██▓░
           ░▒█░     ▓█   ▓██▒▒██▒   ░██▒░██░░██████▒  ░ ██▒▓░
            ▒ ░     ▒▒   ▓▒█░░ ▒░   ░  ░░▓  ░ ▒░▓  ░   ██▒▒▒ 
            ░        ▒   ▒▒ ░░  ░      ░ ▒ ░░ ░ ▒  ░ ▓██ ░▒░ 
            ░ ░      ░   ▒   ░      ░    ▒ ░  ░ ░    ▒ ▒ ░░  
              ░  ░       ░    ░      ░  ░ ░ ░     
                                          ░ ░     

     Name: Melanie Williams
     Aliases: Ms. Williams, Mom
     Age: 50+
     Email: mswilliams@wscloud.org  
     Pictures: http://prntscr.com/m23ev6 (must be adopted or she fucked a black)
     Other: I assume she's a single mom, because she's just that fucking disgusting

 .       .        _+_        .                  .             .
                  /|\    .              .  
       .           *     .       
.                i/|\i                     .          . .
      .    .     // \\*          
                */( )\\      .                                 
        .      i/*/ \ \i                   .           . 
 .             / /* *\+\                     .
      .       */// + \*\\*              .         . .
             i/  /^  ^\  \i    .         .     .     
.        .   / /+/ ()^ *\ \                 .     . .  .    .   .   .
            i//*/_^- -  \*\i    .          .  .  .      .    .   .
    .       / // * ^ \ * \ \             . ALL ABOARD THE DOX EXPRESS    
          i/ /*  ^  * ^ + \ \i          ..     ___            _________
          / / // / | \ \  \ *\         >U___^_[[_]|  ______  |_|_|_|_|_|
   ____(|)____    |||                  [__________|=|______|=|_|_|_|_|_|=
  |_____|_____|   |||                   oo OOOO oo   oo  oo   o-o   o-o
 -|     |     |-.-|||.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

    │       4 // Other                                                                                          │                                               
     Openly a faggot & hangs with his girlfriends @ drama class l0l 
     Loves to get dick pics from underaged kids
     Loves to scream and cry when he gets called by over 100 people
     Begs for mercy when exposed
     Also begs for mercy because receiving fake nudes is "harmless"  
     Exposes himself when you send screenshots to his teachers emails
     http://prntscr.com/m23ik5 I'm not god, this was just to clown ?
     http://prntscr.com/m23i1t (we called him like 15 times and sent him texts through spoofed numbers)
     http://prntscr.com/m23itb This is naughty list Wesley, talking about the $100 he promised b4 he beamed
     http://prntscr.com/m23j26 *dialing his number and acting gangster*
     http://prntscr.com/m23j91 I explained to him that he got fake nudes and plays it off as if it was nothing (scared shitless)
                               Also explains to me that I'm fucked up, even though he's a pedo? *dialing still*  
     http://prntscr.com/m23i95 *his phone rings* (even more  scared shitless and doesn't understand what just happened)
     http://prntscr.com/m23jo7 awww this is cute, cops! Ever heard of a false police report?

       _(_      _Y_      _Y_      _Y_      _Y_      _)_
      [___]    [___]    [___]    [___]    [___]    [___]
      /:' \    /:' \    /:' \    /:' \    /:' \    /:' \
     |::   |  |::   |  |::   |  |::   |  |::   |  |::   |
     \::.  /  \::.  /  \::.  /  \::.  /  \::.  /  \::.  /
      \::./    \::./    \::./    \::./    \::./    \::./
       '='      '='      '='      '='      '='      '='

    │       5 // Credits                                                                                        │                                                         
      shoutz: x_x (thanks for finding me the nudes), xxrobbie (retarded but enjoyable)