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⠀⠀⠀                                                       ⠀⠀                                                                  |    ⬪ Username: iwakura                |
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⠀⠀⠀                                                       ⠀                                                                   |_______________________________________|

                                                                                     Together let's create a better world.))
                                                                                             Bye 11 I warned you 
                                                  There is a lot of negativity on the Internet, especially from xligenda. I wish you good luck in the future)).                                                                                   

                                                                                           INFORMATION PERSONNAL ☠

                                                                                        ↠ Nickname: xligenda(Main) 
                                                                                        ↠ Fullname: Aryutin Danila Andreevich
                                                                                        ↠ Gender: male
                                                                                        ↠ Date of birth: 04/10/2008
                                                                                        ↠ Phone: +79171080855
                                                                                        ↠ Email: white.yt.32.31@gmail.com      
                                                                                        ↠ Passports: 5565572009
                                                                                        ↠ Policy: VII-НМ 511680
                                                                                        ↠ Date of issue (Policy): 05/06/2009
                                                                                        ↠ Agе: 15 y.o
                                                                                        ↠ Contry: Russia
                                                                                        ↠ City: Samara
                                                                                        ↠ Address: Samara region, municipal district Volzhsky, village Pridorozhny, microdistrict “Yuzhny Gorod”, Nikolaevsky Avenue, house №.50 (443085)

                                                                                               INFORMATION GEOPOZITIONS ☠

                                                                                      ↠ 53.11345524579342, 50.14925923760494           
                                                                                      ↠ 55.0594337430246, 82.8947754401846                 
                                                                                                    INFORMATION SCHOOL ☠

                                                                                                  ↠ Educational institution: State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School "OC" SOUTHERN CITY" VILLAGE PRIDOROZHNY                                                                                              
                                                                                                  ↠ Organization:  state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school “Educational center “South City” village. Pridorozhny municipal district Volzhsky Samara region                                                                    
                                                                                                  ↠ Phone: +7 (846) 250-07-52                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                  ↠ INN:  6330077443                                                     
                                                                                                  ↠ OGRN:  1176313052684
                                                                                                  ↠ Gearbox(КПП): 633001001
                                                                                                  ↠ Class: 8F(Ж)
                                                                                                  ↠ Group: https://vk.com/ug_gorod_school
                                                                                                  ↠ E-mail: ugschool@mail.ru
                                                                                                  ↠ Director: KILDYUSHKIN VLADIMIR MIKHAILOVICH
                                                                                                  SOCIALS NETWORKS ☠
                                                                                                 ↠ Discord: xligenda
                                                                                                 ↠ DiscordID: 888016163844534372
                                                                                                 ↠ Telegram: @xligenda
                                                                                                 ↠ TelegramID: 1474502199
                                                                                                 ↠ Vkontakte: https://vk.com/id546639429
                                                                                                 ↠ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/xligenda/
                                                                                                                THE END ☠
                                                                         Info by:  degradation, iwakura