10% Searching For Target..

30% Searching Data Base...

50% Info Detected...

100% Target Found.


                              What's Inside?

 1x01 - Introduction
 1x02 - Reasoning 
 1x03 - Personal Information 
 1x04 - Social Media Accounts
 1x05 - Description
 2x01 - Fathers Information
 2x02 - Fathers Social Media
 2x03 - Fathers Work Information 
 2x04 - Description 
 3x01 - Mothers Information
 3x02 - Mothers Social Media
 3x03 - Mothers Work Information
 3x04 - Description 
 4x01 - House Information
 4x02 - School Information

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                                 About Mr (David Racine)
Name: David
Last Name:Racine
Phone Number: 702-406-7229
Emails : xxredkadexxbeastmode@gmail.com, scales4536@gmail.com
Street Address: 8835 Kingswood DrLas Vegas, NV 89147
Photos : https://gyazo.com/8a71980eb19536fd7934d897a5730bd9 - be careful he big hackor!!
                                About Daddy
Name: Felix 
Last Name: T Alexie
Dob : 1950
nccas bio ''I miss kevin huang''
Locality:VIVA LAZ VAGAZ, Nevada
Street Address: 1830 N Buffalo Dr Unit 1084 Las Vegas NV 89128

                     -=-=-=Criminal Activities=-=-=-
(activities)            buddy's a goodboy also! no records :)
(jobs)                    NIGGA DONT GOT A JOB LMFAOAOAOO
                       -=-=-=Social Media=-=-=-
-(socialmedia)-        https://myspace.com/thesexiealexie

(cars)                   NIGGA DON'T GOT A CAR AT 23 LMFASOAOAO
(photos) https://gyazo.com/e2da0d07357c20b4c6a8a5c9661e7943,https://gyazo.com/f590b581ab9e419b327faa5222ab89b6
                                 About Mommy
Name: Ariel
Last Name: C Racine
Known as: Ariel K Racine Ariel K Recine
Phone Number: (702) 395-2182    
Email: aracine63213@gmail.com
Street Address: 8835 Kingswood DrLas Vegas, NV 89147
Past Adresses : 7675 Rainbow Cove Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131 290 Cleveland Ave N, Saint Paul, MN 5510,

                     -=-=-=Criminal Activities=-=-=-
(activities)            good girl! no criminal records!!!
(jobs)             Work : Position:Precision Production Occupations 
                       -=-=-=Social Media=-=-=-
-(socialmedia)-         Facebook : Ariel R Rodriguez Ariel Racine 

(cars)                  License #:3098-S - Active
                        Issued Date: May 30, 2001
                        Expiration Date: Feb 28, 2017
                        Type: Licensed Social Worker

                                 About family :3
Name: Claudia 
Last Name: Hernandez 
Street Address: 3720 Moss Ridge Ct Las Vegas NV 89147
Age : 52

Specialties: REO / Bank Owned, Short sales, Residential sales, First time home buyers, Distressed properties, Relocation
Lawyers & Attorneys : Licenses:Texas - Eligible To Practice In Texas 2012
School: Baylor University

RESUMES : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mpXUaC_k_hVamL-tCcnoSFdq6S4Oy7d4o-ku77Eo-iQ/edit?usp=sharing

more info : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C7vzgl6EqHa5q1yPjrapW3H7rHfAtJXlAlk-AsFXI74/edit?usp=sharing

                     -=-=-=Criminal Activities=-=-=-
(activities)           SHES A GOOD GIRL!! :3          
(jobs)               Keller Williams - Antelope Valley - work number : (562) 863-2121
                       -=-=-=Social Media=-=-=-

(photos) https://gyazo.com/f992a9ee2cc3453ff3f07e3cc5e122b6


(threating little girls, such a shame, also a big skid! :3

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