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- full name: Florian Berkemeier
- age: ??
- address: Dörferweg 79, 59558 Lippstadt (Germany)
- facebook profil: https://de-de.facebook.com/florian.berkemeier1
- youtube account: https://www.youtube.com/c/Casa88
- ɴᴏᴛᴇ: thinks he is an coder but only downloads stuff and renames the stuff. (skid)
        bruh ( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990991701772480542/995320819553148980/IMG_0851.png )

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- Server Informations
IP: speed-vocal.com /
System: Linux/Debian (connect per putty)
Name: root
Password: DM94u5jrfm035uj54m
old Password: 0x3dbAoPysUITJjz

- Discord Account
E-Mail: dis@theflashhd.de
Password: M6hJa2OQI4E0xIEFI9g5

- Another Account Data
E-Mail: admin@speed-vocal.com
Password: jWyUWkeRvQWED2rbsnvM