Wuhzgood "Alan" is a child groomer and scammer who is on the fortnite organaztion XenGGs as a content creator. Info: ALAN TANTIWASSADAKRAN Address: 1722 W Phillips Dr, Pomona City: Pomona State: CA Mom's Name: April TANTIWASSADAKRAN Brother: Andrew TANTIWASSADAKRAN Dad: Kenneth Tantiwassadakran Sister: Keenan TANTIWASSADAKRAN Brothers Number: (909) 896-2054 Aunt: Saijai A Tantiwassadakra (909)-896-205 Socials: https://www.instagram.com/wuhzgood_/ https://twitter.com/GoodWuhz https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLixc9CzYNeuliwJRDiOlHQ get zoed.