WNET 2b2t dox by

Phone number: (450) 777-8736

Granby, Québec, Canada

(fresh) IP:

Address: 1358 rue amherst (sherbrooke, quebec)
Birth date: 08/7/2006 (15)

School Address: 135 Rue Don-Bosco N, Sherbrooke, QC 
School Name: Le Salésien
Grade: 10th grade
School Phone Number: 819 566-2222

Father's name: Richard levesque Tremblay (50)
Mother's name: Alyssia Desmarais (46)


NAME: Matteo Mathieu


- wnet is a scammer who hides behind alts to get his money
- overall retard and social outcast (irl and 2b)
- begs for clients and configs (paid me $25 for an old future ca config what a loser)
- is Canadian

also lied about bikmunni scamming him out of $220, purely for attention
managed to get blocked by itristan (claims he's been searching for a client for 2 years despite joining August 2021) 

shake that party party that body



Since originally posting this it's gained a bit of traction from a few people; wnet has decided to play into people's hearts by faking suicide (how classy).

Despite (almost) everyone knowing this was already fake, I thought I'd prove it quickly:

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/776522959409905675/930249877735227432/unknown.png - wnet online on his alt account Req#6666 at 7:02pm EST (despite "killing himself" at 4pm EST)
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/926300489656725538/930284157626630184/unknown.png - I called him out on this immediately
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/776522959409905675/930250337942650890/unknown.png - Retard rises from the dead to turn his Discord status to offline

Nothing classier than faking your suicide over a block game despite telling me in vc to post this and that you didn't care XD
