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Created:Jul 8th, 2019
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 1,061
Comments: 2
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
to hear with music go to https://xunderscorex.net/xmas/ ___ ____________ ________ ________ ____ ___ ________ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ `MMb dMM`MMMMMMMMM `MMMMMMMb. `MMMMMMMb.`MM( )M' `MMMMMMMb. 6MMMMb `MM( )M' `MMb dMM' dM. 6MMMMb\ MMM. ,PMM MM \ MM `Mb MM `Mb `MM. d' MM `Mb 8P Y8 `MM. d' MMM. ,PMM ,MMb 6M' ` M`Mb d'MM MM MM MM MM MM `MM. d' MM MM 6M Mb `MM. d' M`Mb d'MM d'YM. MM M YM. ,P MM MM , MM MM MM MM `MM d' MM MM MM MM `MM. d' M YM. ,P MM ,P `Mb YM. M `Mb d' MM MMMMMMM MM .M9 MM .M9 `MM' MM MM MM MM `MMd M `Mb d' MM d' YM. YMMMMb M YM.P MM MM ` MMMMMMM9' MMMMMMM9' MM MM MM MM MM dMM. M YM.P MM ,P `Mb `Mb M `Mb' MM MM MM \M\ MM \M\ MM MM MM MM MM d'`MM. M `Mb' MM d' YM. MM M YP MM MM MM \M\ MM \M\ MM MM MM YM M9 d' `MM. M YP MM ,MMMMMMMMb MM M `' MM MM / MM \M\ MM \M\ MM MM .M9 8b d8 d' `MM. M `' MM d' YM. L ,M9 _M_ _MM_MMMMMMMMM _MM_ \M\_MM_ \M\_ _MM_ _MMMMMMM9' YMMMM9 _M(_ _)MM_ _M_ _MM_dM_ _dMM_MYMMMM9 .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. . . . 1// Intro . . . . 2// Willis _\/ \/_ . . 3// Friends _\/\/_ . . 4// Other _\_\_\/\/_/_/_ . . 5// Mirrors / /_/\/\_\ \ . . 6// Credits _/\/\_ . . /\ /\ . . ' ' . .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:. $ :$$ seeee$$$Neeee R$$$F$$$$F $$$$$$ @$$P*$$B z$#" $#$b " d 'N "sa @" ?r xF . "N .$> P54.R `$ $* '*"$$$ uoP***~ #Noo "?$N" #oL f o$#$$"e. $ @b hoR$$r ^"$$b .M ?B$E *.B$$ .R .* *\ *.4*R ..* oo# ooL d#R. P##~ $c .""P#$ @ P k R$r ''?L$$ P "r 'N ^$ "$$$` $.....JL "N. .$\ * P5"LR $.. ..* 4*R xr 'PFN$$ .k "*****. od#" d#*. "*$$P~ "?$*" '#$$$" u" e"" f M @F"$ ec x$"$. :" M > "d $$$$?$ .$$F` "P.. .$.....$L $$.4$$. " @#3$$ $E. '**.. * R..$$ `R$*k. fdM$$> *.. J" *k$$$~ "*$**o$o$$P '*oo. P # "$$$#*o > '####*oooo .e" :e$$e. 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"""t$$$$F" M $` R > "$r''$$''"'"c oooooooooo z z z.,ze.$$$z ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ │ 1 // Introduction | ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ willis: overweight angry hack vs hack player. he is so disappointed in himself for his sexuality (closet btw) to the point where he is homophobic/transphobic because it is hard for him to come to terms with himself. you can usually find him projecting his insecurities onto other people in any australian hack vs hack server such as how little income he has, how disgustingly overweight he is, how little friends he has, his seuxality & much more. pretty funny read through all & all, keep pretending you don't care you fat gremlin Fuck candy: it is genuinely possible this man has an intellectual disability. one time this man spent 5 thousand dollars on his dads credit card to impress people he had just met, and then proceeded to act like he was a bitcoin millionaire because of it. I mean, he even looks like there is something wrong with him. he goes back and forth from dickriding us to insulting us. candy also thinks that any female in his immediate vicinity will give him internet love if he attempts to give them money he doesn't have by saying "send me ya btc address" jaz: jasmine is the girlfriend of willis, so I imagine you can already see where this is going. him and his friends essentially transformed her into the female version of him and now she just screams at people and makes weird remarks to people for no reason, simply because willis tells her it is cool to do. oh and she is like 350 pounds and 4'8. samsaxon: samsaxon is an extreme retard, even his own friend (willis) admitted to us that he was mentally insane and would stay at home gaming and smoking drugs all day because of it. this absolute freak has rape allegations against him and joined a discord trying to flex them on his friends, truly a disgusting human being. ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ │ 2 // Willis | ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ Name: Willis Gordon Aliases: willis, faneto, xboxiive, richard, josh DOB: 23/2/2002 Addresses: 30 Mill Dr, North Rocks, NSW 2151 (his fathers house) - 18 Edmondson St, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia (he got kicked out of this, his mothers house) Education: Gymea Tafe (cert 2 in construction, dropped out because he "isn't making money there" LOL) - Holy Cross College, Ryde (dropped out) Phone: Samsung Galaxy S9+ Number: 04•• ••• 554 Email/s: - willisgordon051@gmail.com - the picture tied LOL https://i.imgur.com/7wkjgVj.png - willisgordon123@gmail.com - haha12btw1@gmail.com Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/AlYSbls - would HIGHLY recommend https://www.weightwatchers.com/au/ - https://i.imgur.com/QnV0rCH.png - https://i.imgur.com/cz63VKf.png - https://i.imgur.com/3esg29A.png - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517251048512028672/image0.png?width=312&height=676 - http://media.discordapp.net/attachments/514370555861008384/517226657170325504/unknown.png - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517246031927181313/6bfd5000e22eb9255b8b66ff8b5d6a27.png - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517245617920147465/A6AFE333CB076AA88692904D276D43F6C1979BB8.png - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517245730876948491/524F7886BF9B09D90B90DA3D3DFDD1A2692C71D9.png?width=380&height=676 - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517245352106262569/willis.png?width=380&height=676 - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/506957182797873163/516859006309105665/image0.jpg?width=312&height=676 ______________________ / \ | ??? ??????? ???? | | - | ______________ | Dear Willis, | / \ \ | you've been a | / \ \ | bad kitten so instead| / _________ \ | | of coal,youre getting| \/ _ \ / | | a .txt from the dgs. | \ / \ \/_ | | - | | O_O_/ || \_ \ | next year, improve | / __(_ __ || \ / | your behaviour | /\/___\___\_/ \ /_\ | or its a zine x_x | / __ \/ \ | enjoy, | | |\___/ | wizard, daniel, | | | \ | shanty & marcus | ______|________ | \ | x_x x_x x_x x_x | / /\ / \ \____________________/ | | \ / \ \______________\ |___/ \ _|___ |_____\ \ /| __| |_|| o \ \ | | \ |_||____\_____/\ \_|____/ / | \_____/____ | // | / \ \ | // |_________\_/\ \ \__ ______ | / | /_ |_/_/ \/_//__/| | |________// \| \ //_//__/||\_ | | \__// | / | ||__|/_ \ | | | | \_|_/ \ | ___________ | | | / | \ \|______| / _____ | \ \ | | \\ _/ / | \ \_____|______\___ \ -/___/ | \ ______\_____ / \ / \ \ / \__________________ \ | |______/ \ / / \__/____________/ Gamesense: https://gamesense.pub/forums/profile.php?id=1265 Snapchat: Willis_Gordon Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/willis.gordon.7127 - trying password 'willis2002' yields the message "Your password was changed 4 minutes ago" as of 21/11/2018 7:27 PM AEST Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-385986546 Steam #1: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198834817679 Steam #2: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016071205 Steam #3: https://steamcommunity.com/id/god_chxt/ - username tied is 'rustglory' Steam #4: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198222008000 - username tied is 'willisgordon' Steam #5: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561194097790498 - username tied is 'willisgordon1' Steam #6: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198364662174 - username tied is 'willisgordon2' Steam #7: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tribzysmumisamilf Steam #8: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rustypriv Steam #9: https://steamcommunity.com/id/dwordpolice/ - username tied is 'fanetoo' Steam #10: https://steamcommunity.com/id/marcusGO/ - username tied is 'richardhvh' Youtube #1: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXghgqNo7ber8TTvQzcoImA Youtube #2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-cAEdB2a-dmDHpP0vmIiTQ Common Password/s: - fanetoo - willis2002 - richardhvh - Willis2002 - Edmundson1234 - willisg2002 ONE EVENTFUL CHRISTMAS MORNING, AT THE GORDON RESIDENCE, WILLIS GAINED 200 POUNDS . . *** ** ! . ._*. . - -*- - .-'-. ! ! . . . * .-' .-. '-.! ! . . *** .-' .-' '-. '-.! . * ***.-' .-' '-. '-. . * ***$*.-' '-. '-. * * *** * *** ___________ !-..!-. * * * * * *** **$** * !__!__!__!__! ! ! *** *** . * *** *** **** * ***** !__!__!__!__! ! .***-.-*** * *** * #_ ********** * ****$ * !__!__!__!__! !-..--'***** # '*-..---# *** **** ***** * $** *** . ! ***** *** *** ************ ***** ***-..-' -.._________! ******* *** ***** *********** .-#.-' '-.-''-..! ******* ****... # # ''-.---'' '-....---#..--'****** ''-.---''- # ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ │ 2 // Friends | ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ _...--... .8" 88-. ,888888 88888\ ,888888888-=.8888888) ,' `~88' )888888) ,' ,' ,:. / ,888888888' ,88888 ,' ,888888888' (888888 ,888888888' "-887 ,' ,' ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ,' ,' | __| _ \_ _| __| \| | \ _| | |_/ | ,888888888' | _|| /| || _|| .` | |) | |_ . _| | ,888888888' |_| |_|_\___|___|_|\_|___/ |_ _|_| (88888888' |_|_| "-._ ,' ___ _ _ _ _____ __ / __| /_\ | \| | \ \ / / | (__ / _ \| .` | |) \ V / \___/_/ \_\_|\_|___/ |_| before we get started you NEED to watch this video on candy and his family https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E_I-Ww89Yk Name: Aiden Harrison Aliases: candy, NotZuckles, AidenProjects, Vibez Solutions, aidenon3211, aidenon1968, Dirty_Power, Magic ISP: Optus DOB: 11/10/2001 Education: Studied at Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Address: 93a flood st, Sydney, New South Wales, 2040, Australia Number: 0411808223 - ••••••••69 Email/s: - candylovescock12@gmail.com - aidenon1968@gmail.com - aidenlovesyou33@gmail.com - tied to paypal Pictures: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/493323840638812170/493418031494463488/image0.jpg?width=902&height=676 (our names on his forehead) - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/493323840638812170/493418081096302602/image0.jpg?width=508&height=676 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Aiden-Harrison/100018155955164 Kware: https://kware.pw/index.php?%2Fprofile%2F214-vibez%2F (he has it on his facebook BRO) Legit Providers: https://legitproviders.com/profile/2017-aidenon3211/ Cheat Automation: https://cheatautomation.com/forums/profile/257280-aidenon3211/ Nulled: https://www.nulled.to/user/1271205-aidenon3211 Gamesense: https://gamesense.pub/forums/profile.php?id=2018 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aiden.harrison_/ Snapchat: aidenon321 Steam #1: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Iollypop Steam #2: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198370393907 Steam #3: https://steamcommunity.com/id/altMaba/ Steam #4: https://steamcommunity.com/id/xadsddsdwdwdsz Youtube #1: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDjs8cqIFqeUOjQ5JrkfeHA/videosmain .-""```""-. ,-"```````"-, ; .-"-. ; ; .-=-. ; '=/=====\=' ', /=====\ ,' |/"""\| "=|/"""\|=" \ ^ ^ / |\^ ^/| /'._.'\ ||'-'|| / _ \ / | _ | \ / /|\ \ /\/ /|\ \/\ | \_/ | \_/ | | \_/ | \_/ | | |/ \| | | |/ \| | \__| |__/ \__| |__/ >=;=====< | | | | | | | | \'/ | | | | |-=*=-| | | | | /.\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | .-------------, | | < ~-_~-_=`|( :) > | | \`"""""""""""`/ | | \ /____| |;,;,;> <_/\_/ / \ `"""""""""""` ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ / __|_ _/ __|_ _| __| _ \ \__ \| |\__ \ | | | _|| / |___/___|___/ |_| |___|_|_\ Name: Angelique Harrison Address: 93a flood st, Sydney, New South Wales, 2040, Australia Number: 04•• ••• 014 Aliases: sour, vrou Snapchat: lique.ah Discord: vrou#8308 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lique.ah/ Piknu: https://piknu.com/u/lique.ah/followers Email: liqueeah@gmail.com Pictures: https://gyazo.com/f72b14992a7d551e10583bba7bd39622 - https://gyazo.com/5468ad2a3c07797913f37b52f03a7d58 - https://gyazo.com/3dc5ec5061092536b96bba3ea0c75290 - https://gyazo.com/382c1eeefb7f2ee3b0a6888395354ea3 - https://gyazo.com/a78b738a61919d0c135786e020b0ee21 . . _+_ . . . /|\ . ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ . * . | __| _ \_ _| __| \| | \ _| | |_|_ ) . i/|\i | _|| /| || _|| .` | |) | |_ . _|/ / . . // \\* |_| |_|_\___|___|_|\_|___/ |_ _/___| */( )\\ . |_|_| . i/*/ \ \i _ _ ____ . . . / /* *\+\ _ | |/_\ |_ / . . */// + \*\\* | || / _ \ / / . . . i/ /^ ^\ \i . \__/_/ \_\/___| . . . . / /+/ ()^ *\ \ . . . . . . . i//*/_^- - \*\i . . . . . . . . / // * ^ \ * \ \ . ALL ABOARD THE DOX EXPRESS i/ /* ^ * ^ + \ \i .. ___ _________ / / // / | \ \ \ *\ >U___^_[[_]| ______ |_|_|_|_|_| ____(|)____ ||| [__________|=|______|=|_|_|_|_|_|= |_____|_____| ||| oo OOOO oo oo oo o-o o-o -| | |-.-|||.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- |_____|_____| Name: Jasmine Wignall DOB: 5/5/2001 Address: 6 Aurora Court Pakenham Vic 3810 (address tied to optus account, pretty annoying to confirm because the optus reps barely speak english but it seems very likely) ISP: iiNet > Optus Discord: Jaz.#7813 Snapchat: Jazmondo8905 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasminewignall_/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn_DIXpftF31IiqVM4I5teQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/lovejazmondo Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561194113301380 - username tied is jasminewignall_, email on it is j******.*******@o******.a* Phone Number: +61 478 171 371 - 0413698162 - +*********32 - +*********81 Tumblr: https://love-jazmondo.tumblr.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasmine.wiggie Email: jasmine.wignall@live.com.au Email: jasmine.wignall@live.com Email: jasmine.wignall@outlook.com.au - number tied is +61 478 171 371, email tied is sh*****@hotmail.com DB Entry: - username: barbie123 - email: jasmine.wignall@live.com.au - hash: 333ef2b68eba3a730ada333b8b292d44:y{oX&c&|8U"yFu'0!OasTTY>QkSV - ip: - password: spinifex Pictures: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517197636869160960/jaz_3.png?width=901&height=676 - https://i.imgur.com/isL5gjG.png - https://i.imgur.com/P9flEcG.png - https://i.imgur.com/T5u3GfA.png - https://i.imgur.com/RKXDfXp.png - https://i.imgur.com/HYlkNPM.png - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517205455827894272/21740336_748329085355186_2604426928587732189_n.png - https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/516881237571272705/517206121371533317/21743152_748329198688508_6541919057403302819_n.png?width=380&height=676 .-(_) / _/ .-' \ / '. ,-~--~-~-~-~-, {__.._...__..._} ,888, ,888, /\##" 6 6 "##/\ ,88' `88, ,88' '88,__ |(\` (__) `/)| __,88' `88 ,88' .8(_ \_____\_ '----' _/_____/ _)8. 8' 88 (___)\ \ '-.__ __.-' / /(___) 88 (___)88 | '--' | 88(___) 8' (__)88,___/ \___,88(__) __`88,_/__________________\_,88`__ / `88, |88| ,88' \ / `88, |88| ,88' \ /____________`88,_\88/_,88`____________\ /88888888888888888;8888;88888888888888888\ /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^`/88\\^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ / |88| \============, \ /_ __ __ __ _ __ |88|_|^ MERRY | _ ___\ |;:. |88| | CHRISTMAS! | | | | FROM: X_X | | |;;:. |88| '============' | |;;:. |88| | |::. |88| | |;;:' |88| | |:;, |88| | '---------------------""""---------------------' .--------. * . |________| . * . | __|/\ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ * .-'======\_\o/. | __| _ \_ _| __| \| | \ _| | |_|__ / /___________<>__\ | _|| /| || _|| .` | |) | |_ . _||_ \ |||||| / (o) (o) \ |_| |_|_\___|___|_|\_|___/ |_ _|___/ |||||| | _ O _ | . * |_|_| . |||||| | (_) (_) | ___ _ __ __ ___ _ __ _____ _ _ |||||| \ '---' / . / __| /_\ | \/ / __| /_\ \ \/ / _ \| \| | \====/ [~~~~~~~~~] \__ \/ _ \| |\/| \__ \/ _ \ > < (_) | .` | \\// _/~||~`|~~~~~\_ |___/_/ \_\_| |_|___/_/ \_\/_/\_\___/|_|\_| _||-'`/ || | \`'-._ * * * .-` )| ; || |) ; '. . * / `--.| || | | `\ . . | \ |||||) |-, \ . * . \ .; _ ; |_, | * . `'''||` ,\ (_) /, `.__/ * . . * * ||.` '. .' `. * * . * || ` ' ' ` \ . || ; . * . * . * || | . * || | * || | * * .__.-""-.__.-"""|| ;.-"""-.__.-""-.__. . || / ||'. .' || '-._ _ _ _ _.-' `""` Name: Tristan Laurence Blake Aliases: samsaxon, rowley, rowleyoce ISP: Telstra Address: 5 Greenway Ave Devonport TAS 7310 Education: University of Tasmania - Reece High School Phone: 0474 756 699 Steam #1: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Samsaxon Steam #2: https://steamcommunity.com/id/rowleyoce - username tied is 'rowleyoce' Steam #3: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ASIANCHEATER - email: legit-assassin-34@hotmail.com - username: RealSamsaxon - password: arkhamnetwork123 (his common) if you want to take this account, email steam support and ask them to change the email to one of your emails as you aren't receiving codes Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS1HeIS_9TJosF4aMNhTOyQ G+: https://plus.google.com/102320737223231447677 Email/s: - pcoventry2@bigpond.com - tristanblake456@gmail.com Facebook #1: https://www.facebook.com/tristan.blake.587 Facebook #2: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013264051080 Snapchat: javis_javison Pictures: http://prntscr.com/ls8ur3 http://prntscr.com/ls8uuf http://prntscr.com/ls8uy8 http://prntscr.com/ls8v0e ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ │ 4 // Other │ ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ willis: this man wilis is so deranged and unsure of how he feels that he spends time browsing /r/traps (unironically) he is closet bi he admitted he would fuck someone who was transgender if they passed as feminine enough, despite showing his constant 'hate' for trans people he is heavily depressed (of course he wont admit it anymore but he has before) some funny logs compiled for your enjoyment, including him shit talking the person he dickrides the most, skeltal. he (actually) dropped out of a cert 2 construction at tafe, because he wasn't making any money https://imgur.com/a/5b2TuZZ http://prntscr.com/ls8v9a - him flexing his inability to read a book qqqqqqqq Today at 10:55 AM willis once approached me bragging that he lost 5kg willis' idol bullying him http://prntscr.com/lts32b https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520019687552188428/523428197812142080/willis_flex.png .-" +' "-. /.'.'A_'*`.\ |:.*'/\-\. ':| |:.'.||"|.'*:| \:~^~^~^~^:/ /`-....-'\ / \ `-.,____,.-' candy: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/493323840638812170/493418031494463488/image0.jpg?width=902&height=676 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/493323840638812170/493418081096302602/image0.jpg?width=508&height=676 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv5E68UHO1w https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=YMSu5jHQIrY&list=LLl0g835APTj211vt5y1AuLQ&t=0s&index=237 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E_I-Ww89Yk https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/504798626720251914/523433579129208833/4b5849b70928e860bcc2ebe7f230ef4b.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504798626720251914/523433951117836289/12fcab0c364642e709a8b8be04639333.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504798626720251914/523434009397821442/14365631d19f55bd96f65788cda784b4.png __/\/,\__ \_\_\_/_/ <__=(_)=__> \_/\_\`_/ / /\ \ /_/| \ \ (U)| |\ \ .-"-. | (U) / \ .-"-. ;= ; \ |= _|= ; (_________) _| `----()-`_______) |= `--()--` (_________) `--()---` jasmine: she said she was going to dox all of us and waste our local police departments funding on swatting us. not cool jasmine! forwarded to the authorities. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504798626720251914/523427314307039280/1e47cb613d169e64a7a46d093fefecf5.png ~ ironic, she is literally 450 pounds she was calling daniel hot in front of willis while they were dating .--._.--.--.__.--.--.__.--.--.__.--.--._.--. _(_ _Y_ _Y_ _Y_ _Y_ _)_ [___] [___] [___] [___] [___] [___] /:' \ /:' \ /:' \ /:' \ /:' \ /:' \ |:: | |:: | |:: | |:: | |:: | |:: | \::. / \::. / \::. / \::. / \::. / \::. / \::./ \::./ \::./ \::./ \::./ \::./ '=' '=' '=' '=' '=' '=' samsaxon: ALL of samsaxons facebook data. note: his mother and grandmother use his account too https://mega.nz/#!3zADDCoC!BtAdL80xX61ShxfPeUS3oxrVe__JHjrzHCo81iEthqw he came into a discord one time and flexed that he had rape allegations on him to his degenerate friends http://prntscr.com/lts1vd https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/520019687552188428/523428175200518144/samsaxon.png he lives with his grandmother and grandfather because his fatass mother(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/505898726548701186/523703165296574475/unknown.png) is addicted to crack his grand mother messaging his mother on his facebook https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/518358685223747604/523701112881152020/unknown.png us on his facebook account LMFAO http://prntscr.com/lvj5ir ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ │ 5 // Mirrors │ ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ https://xunderscorex.com/xmas https://ghostbin.com/paste/o7xgq https://qlaasic.com/christmas https://pastebin.com/raw/wEb4CWaC http://pasted.co/b6e19f86 ╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ │ 6 // Credits │ ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ wizard aka Wave My Wand And They're Doxed Lol daniel aka The Richest Alcoholic jacob aka MoneyMaker15 shanty aka MomSexer10 shoutz: chxt, khmora, nanders, air, sparkle, duk, space, qlaasic, liam & x_x (da real rich scene niggaz)
5 years ago
5 years ago