--Chris12/wigchig Dox
--Reason of dox: Scamming a major amount of people
--Dox By The Info Grabbers 
--Exploit Godz 

--Personal Information
Username: Chris12
First Name: Chris
Last Name: Zotaj
Country: US
State: Minnesota
City: St Paul
Address: 3281 Arden Dr, Woodbury, MN 
ZIP: 55129
Email: wigchig@gmail.com
Half Phone Number: Starts With 7 Ends with 1002

--Social Media Gaming ETC
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisLever12
Player Lounge: https://playerslounge.co/profile/chrislever12?game_type=fn
Playstation: nomelox
Epic Games: nomelox
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP4JC-mHCnWHgLfsXVfOQ8w
Discord: Chris12#7009,264551270780633089
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/chrislever12/
Face It: https://www.faceit.com/en/players/NcW/following

--Hacked Passwords DB