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                                                           ~~                       \/____/                                           \/____/                                           \/____/         ~~              

Reason for dox:

1) drugs people unknowingly (on multiple different occasions)
2) snitch & lies to police
3) father is a pedophile
4) stalks and harasses people
5) domestic abuser
6) exposes peoples nudes



Name: Tess Hannigan
Age: 17
Location: 46 Avonwood Rd, Avon, CT 06001 (unsure of apartment #)
School: Lincoln Tech, New Britain, Connecticut
Phone Number(s): (860)-578-3443


IG - https://www.instagram.com/tess.hanigan/



Reason for dox:

1) defends his little whores actions
2) spoiled brat who flexes daddy's money

Name: Mason Morgan
Age: 18
Location: (?)
School: https://lewis.region10ct.org/
Phone Number(s): (?)


IG - https://www.instagram.com/mason_1441_/
Threads - https://www.threads.net/@mason_1441_
Snapchat - m_ason1441


(sorry its not a full dox, this is all I could get)
