Daria aka lolita 
Name/Surname: Daria Fashistovna
Age: 16
City: Russia, Ufa                               |                     Region: Republic of Bashkortostan
Phone: Huiawei
Phone number: +79663562022
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lolitta.hue
Telegram: @sockushka
Vk: https://vk.com/id568640580
Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/964947790931329034/1037830657998598224/0e177830-6a1d-42e9-8db4-0b2e97a00278.jpg
Discord: lolitta#8888
Account roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/2464944868/profile
Operator: Megaphone/Megafon
Zowip clan: Zoopark
Photo of the city: https://imgur.com/a/a4Gt7UX
School: № 18`85

>BUILD: 52001907109444
>created: 2022-18-07-T:19:00 (EST)
>last modification: 2022-18-07-T:19:00 (EST)
>address: JSC Rostelecom
>address: Russia
>address: Lenina Street (Ufa 0.4 km from city center)
>number range: 79663560001-79663568080
Description: A 16-year-old girl, mocking people, stealing, killing!!!!!!! And she also slept with 6555551111111111111 people!