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greetings!, & welcome!, Today i have for my friends a dox on a fat fuck who sits around on snapchat (com) and larps his entire life. He claims being undoxable and saying
a not even full name is a dox ! Isn't that shit funny ? So today I have put a end to this retarded faggot who thinks hes top shit with his beefing duo aka a (egirl) LOL !
so vix if you ever see this dox, Please know your nothing but a low life loser. </3 - from rifle !
ss of vix-
https://z.zz.fo/LPLUZ.jpg - vix's phone number
https://z.zz.fo/i9T3c.png - vix leaving gc after his information is exposed.
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                                           __/ |                                                                       
          +                               |___/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                               Legal Name                        Nationality                                                                                         
                                                 ▶ James perez                     ▶ Black/mixed                                       
            *                                                                                            *                                 *     
                                               Date of Birth                     Address                         
                                                 ▶ N/A                             ▶ 1327 SW 3rd St, APT 4; Miami, FL 33135-2342                
                                  +                                              Height                       +                                           
                                                                                  ▶ 5'8                                                               
                                               Common Passwords                  Social Media                                                     
                                                 ▶ Vixrunsyou123!                 ▶  https://instagram.com/hearts4aubreyyy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=  Insta: hearts4aubreyyy                                                                         
 ╚────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝                                                                                   ▶ iminluv3 (snap)                                                           
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          +                  .               ":._:`\____  /:'  /      .           .            Mother Information     
                                                 \::.  :\/:'  /              +                                                                                                       
                                .                 `.:.  /:'  }      .                          Legal Name                       Job                                                             
                                        .           ):_(:;   \           .                      ▶ Yelsy Perez                  ▶ Fast food                
                                                   /:. _/ ,  |                                                                                                                                             
                                                . (|::.     ,`                  .              Social                           Status                                            
                                  .                |::.    {\                                   ▶ N/A                          ▶ Married 
            *                                      |::.\  \ `.                                                                                                      
                                                   |:::(\    |                                 Number
                                           O       |:::/{ }  |                  (o              ▶ (786) 464-0973
                                            )  ___/#\::`/ (O "==._____   O, (O  /`
                                       ~~~w/w~"~~,\` `:/,-(~`"~~~~~~~~"~o~\~/~w|/~             Email                            common passwords                                   
                 +                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\W~~~~~~~~~~~~\|/~~                  ▶  YPerez12@yahoo.com                               
                                                                                                                                 ▶ J2009!
                                                                                                                                 ▶ Yeslyp9!
                                                                                                                                 ▶ jaco1986!                                                                                                                                               

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                         │                                          House information                                             │
                         │                                       ────────────────────────                                         │
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                     supposed rich female molly                                         │                                     
                         │                                                                                                        │
                         │                                        house property:                                                 │
                         │                                  ▶ Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms                                               │                                              
                         │                                  ▶1 Cooling Cooling features: Central                                  │
                         │                                  ▶ Apartment Condition Year built: 1972                                │
                         │                                                                                                        │ 
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 \___/|_|\__,_|  \__,_|\__,_|\__,_|_|  \___||___/___/\___||___/
1102 SW 12th St; Miami, FL 33129-1827

1327 SW 3rd St, APT 6; Miami, FL 33135-2342                                                               

 _                 _   _ _                                    _                   
| |               | | | (_)                                  | |                  
| | __ _ _ __   __| | | |_ _ __   ___   _ __  _   _ _ __ ___ | |__   ___ _ __ ___ 
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(813) 442-5240 
(813) 876-5243                                                                                   

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Miami Senior High School
Address: 2450 SW 1st St, Miami, FL 33135
Phone: (305) 649-9800
District: Miami-Dade County Public Schools
NRHP Reference Number: 90000881 
Colors: Blue, Gold, Midnight blue, Old gold
Last day of school : June 8th 2022
Mr. Benny Valdes

Mr. Felix Zabala

Ms. Ana Barreto

Mr. Felix Zabala
Assistant Principal

Ms. Ana Barreto
Assistant Principal

Dwight Arscott

Elizabeth Ceballos

Mr. Dwight Arscott
Assistant Principal

Mrs. Elizabeth Ceballos
Assistant Principal

Ms. Marysol Rivero
Ms. Marysol Rivero
Activities Director

Mr. Leonard Graham
Mr. Leonard Graham
Athletic Director

                                         let her blood spill
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chase, rifle