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Title vis dox
Reason for Dox: leaking addys and ips
Full Name: Vi
Phone Number: +1 (989) 714-8059
Mobile Number: +1 (989) 714-8059
Location: 43.6088,-83.9530
Area Code: 989
Zip: 48706
City: Bay City
State: Michigan
Country: United States of America [US] 
Continent: North America (NA)
IP Address:
ISP: Charter Communications
Hostname: 024-180-172-045.res.spectrum.com
VPN: None
Coordinates of City: 43.594470, -83.888860 (43°35'40"N   83°53'20"W)
Local Time: 01 Sep, 2020 03:31 PM (UTC -04:00)
Domain: spectrum.com
Net Speed: (DSL) Broadband/Cable/Fiber/Mobile
IDD Code: +1
Weather Station: Bay City (USMI0061)
Elevation: 181m
Usage Type: (ISP) Fixed Line ISP
Anonymous Proxy: No
Olson Time Zone: America/Detroit
Company Object
Name: Charter Communications
Domain: spectrum.com
Type: ISP
Privacy Object
VPN: False
Proxy: False
Tor: False
Hosting: False
Abuse Object
Address: US, CO, Greenwood Village, P.O. Box 4987, 80155
Country: United States of America [US] 
Email: abuse@charter.net
Name: Abuse
Phone Number: +1-855-222-7342
Mobile Number: +1-855-222-7342
Created by satanic