/$$ /$$       /$$
                                        |__/| $$      |__/
                              /$$    /$$ /$$| $$   /$$ /$$
                             |  $$  /$$/| $$| $$  /$$/| $$
                              \  $$/$$/ | $$| $$$$$$/ | $$
                               \  $$$/  | $$| $$_  $$ | $$
                                \  $/   | $$| $$ \  $$| $$
                                 \_/    |__/|__/  \__/|__/
         This egotisical snakey bitch of an e girl, showed numerous times that she has an ego way too big for this app. From snaking her best friends to being a bitch to anyone who even
         talks to her, Viki Amen fucks around on discord to shy away from the fact that she is a mentally ill, psyco, retarded bitch who gets a high of being manipulated by anyone who 
         even shows her a slight bit of attention. This dox was put together quite quickly so it is not as in depth as it could be, reminder to all e girls not to have big egos online.


                                                                         ===... Real Life ...===
         + Reasoning   - Egod multiple people in discord.gg/kil [for 0 reason]
                       - Snaking out her "closest" friends about private matters
                       - Leaked screen shots of dms that are supposed to be personal
                       - Tried and failed to extort a close friend mine [threatened to leak face reveals, ect

         + Info        Legal name: Viki Àmann 
                       Country Of Residence: Hungary
                       State/city: Hodmezovasarhely
                       Height: 5'7
                       Ethnicity: Hungarian / Asian
                       Hair colour: Brown
                       Eye colour: Hazel/brown
                       Age: 17

         + Media       11 Pictures of her and her friend on their photography account: https://files.doxing.expert/qdArp6ym.png
                       8  Pictures of her and her friend on their photography account: https://files.doxing.expert/DebwI0Cj.png
                       Her staring down at your soul (Source Google PFP): https://files.doxing.expert/nlP3eNu8.png
                       Her pintrest: https://files.doxing.expert/winwCtq0.png
                       Her speaking about her past abuse by her parents: https://files.doxing.expert/lmtTUaWW.jpg
                       Her pintrest, containing pictures of her: https://files.doxing.expert/winwCtq0.png
                       Her being a lil weird with a minecraft bedrock hive scrimmer: https://files.doxing.expert/hbiri4P4.jpg
                       Mug, edited: https://files.doxing.expert/DHmkqTcv.jpg

                                                      ===... Web Identity ...===

         + Emails    
                      ~ mandruc3@gmail.com  --> Linked as a contact email on her old IG // Also matches her reset page on her main IG       |          Registered on:              |  
                          --> GHunt before detrace attempt gave the name: Kókuszka Àmann                                                    | google, youtube, quora, spotify,     |
                          --> After detrace it comes up with: Kókuszka kávé                                                                 | picsart, bitmoji, activision, giphy, |
                          --> Originally owned by viki's mother                                                                             | apple, smule, callofduty, office365  |
                          --> Google ID: 110081615087963398029 
                          --> now owned by her, confirmed by @rpfs [806122394456162334]

         + Socials     
                        Discord: kittybae
                        --> 587298006668410880
                        --> 9 June 2019

                       Instagram: urgfsbabe --> Old user: vikiisit
                        --> 5726170778
                        --> Privated [because I JUST SCREENSHOTTED IT LMFAO]

                       Instagram: biborviki --> Old photography account of viki
                        --> 7290675610
                        --> Old photography account of her and her best friend (Bíbor Veres-Lakos)

                       YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCANNFJbiaSj2vf2rzKon-ZQ
                        --> 4 July 2017

                       Picsart: https://picsart.com/u/mandruc37
                        --> 341684660059101

                       Pinterest: https://pinterest.com/Vikisaesthetics/ --> Old user: mandruc3

                       Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@imheridol
                        --> contains videos of her
                       XBOX: https://xboxgamertag.com/search/vikiexa
                        --> account used to play hive (minecraft bedrock)

                       Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/a.vikie5

                             _     _ _                           Hello dear visitor, welcome to the bibor part
                            | |   (_) |                  who is this irrelevant fuck named bibor you may ask
                            | |__  _| |__   ___  _ __      bibor is the most ignorant fuck of em all. Viki's #1 
                            | '_ \| | '_ \ / _ \| '__|   of which used to run a joint instagram photography account with.
                            | |_) | | |_) | (_) | |                            so have fun
                            |_.__/|_|_.__/ \___/|_|   
         + IRL         
                       Legal Name: Bíbor Veres-Lakos
                       Birhday: 13/03/2006

         + Emails       biborvl@gmail.com 
                             ------------------ OSINT AHEAD 
                             KEEP CLEAR ------------------


                             Name: Bíbor Veres-Lakos
                             ID: 111302889291744703856
                             Last Updated: 2023-11-01T06:27:12 

                            Channel Name: Bíbor Veres-Lakos 
                            Join Date: 6 years ago 
                            Subscriber Count: No subscribers 

                                           Play Games
                             ID: g17278338368700606954 
                             Username: Antiboldogjatek 
                             Title: Superhero 
                             Last Played Time: 2023-11-02T17:17:48 
                             Last Played Game: Among Us 

                             Name: Bíbor Veres-Lakos 
                             ID: 358534961005101 
                             Username: bborveres-lakos 
                             Verified: False 

                              // Other registered websites

                              twitter.com >> non breach included
                                       Databreaches...    (L)

                              username: biborvl
                              email: biborvl@gmail.com
                              hash: $2y$10$ZoV9OqvLYfAnEOHG7ZxuEeaDs8fxeb/oN0a5ae6KlfGdkzaDhnLMC --> Non known hash

                             ------- END OF OSINT ANALYSIS
                             PROCEED ---------------------

         + Socials 
                       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biborvl/ 
                       --> ID: 6057331716

                       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bibor.vereslakos

         + Media 
             Picture: https://files.doxing.expert/rqnZwxkf.jpg#
             Picture containing Bibors family/relatives: https://files.doxing.expert/HbCTzKgw.png

            Other things could have been included such as explicit photos ect, due to tos, they cant be, if you wish to find out mre contact @k4yski on discord.


             kayski  +        https://doxbin.com/user/kayski  
             kayski  +        @xsiw 1175253448099373057

             xelf    +        https://doxbin.com/user/xelf     
             xelf    +        @xvlf  518752348601057291