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Why I posted the dox?
 Initially, I didn't want to publish this, but despite warnings, this person still talked about me and tried to bother me.
 She is mentally ill, she fell in love with me, and I didn't want to be in a relationship with her.
 I helped her write a post to find a boyfriend, and initially, she found one, but emotionally cheated on him. Later, when he broke up with her, she manipulated me by exploiting my empathy towards people.
 I was forced to be in a relationship with her because she was changing medications, and it threatened that she would harm herself because no one wanted to be with her. (border cipka)
 After a few toxic weeks in the relationship with her, she started spreading false information about me and my personal data, which I always give out differently to everyone. LMAO XDD
 I have known her for over a year and I know that many other people have been harmed by her, so I want everyone to know this before they want to get into a serious relationship with her.
 She is a bad person who needs therapy, history has shown that any relationship with her is doomed to failure.

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Legal name: Wikoria Julia Olszewska
Date of birth: 22.07.2005 (Age 19)
Address: Gdańsk 80-180 | Kazimierza Wielkiego 37/3 (Order here)
Phone: +48 504024270
School: 21 LO z Oddziałami Sportowymi

- https://www.instagram.com/vic.wtff._/
- https://www.tiktok.com/@vic.wtf._
- https://www.tiktok.com/@wicia.okay
- https://www.facebook.com/wikiwiciaok
- https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1653377292122142&set=a.123067381819815
- Discord: xwtfvickyy. (Id: 1193944657093198008)

You can found her here: https://discord.gg/azyl

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Photos of ziemniak and salceson:
- https://mega.nz/folder/47V2lQ7B#jNySCgRKhv8x39nIUdxRgA

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Finally, I decided not to publish information about her parents because they are not guilty of anything.
However, if she doesn't stop spreading slander about me, I will be forced to seek revenge, publish this information, and expose her to significant financial losses.

Ur beloved big odklejka ;333