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this dox is about ventme/project ares
reason for this dox: changing root information on a vps that he never paid for, takes others profits of a C2/NET and he is scamming people and he claims hell of shit 
this information was 2 years ago might be outdated but doesnt mean i wont dig for newer info ;)

lets get started

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NAME: michael autumn

ADDRESS: 2611 Dorena Dr

STATE: Orlando/ Florida 

MOMS NAME: rose autumn  

DADS NAME: mikeal autumn

ZIP CODE: 97434

PHONE: 321-235-5300

once the names out theres no going back hahaha lets find the face book later on and see how fucking beanerish he looks with his white ass 
welp enjoy

https://www.facebook.com/ththeaslundh123        possible sister