
Reason : cheating on the game

...Hostname: 81-66-165-11.rev.numericable.fr 
...Assignment: Dynamic Ip (30/01/2020)
...YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LIZTyqT1QRLhlDgjW7wyA
...Minecrafts: vendettaQ_Q / AzixDev_ 
...Discord : vendettaQ_Q#0817
...Country: France
...City: Not in a city.
...Photo of location : http://prntscr.com/qv9jh9
...Full Name : Adrien Thomas Loic, Lecoq
...Age : 15
...DOB : 20/09/2004
...Ethnicity : Pure white
...Picture : http://prntscr.com/qv9mz3

By the way, it was not him on his youtube IRL videos he's reuploading to make fun of others. Piece of shit.

Next time, dont think you're undoxable.