Sage or Geraldine, is a 16 year old girl who decided to harass and doxx a 13 year old named Diax, who has been nothing but nice to her. She has also harassed other people online sending threats and doxxing. She has also been accused of saying the hard r and had to come out publicly to deny her actions and continue her behavior. She has also backstabbed and lied to Diax leaking his real age which he wanted to keep private but she forced him into coming out publicly about it. She has also leaked person info about Diax's friends and close peers, info that would get them harassed and spammed in dms by numerous people ordered by her and soupwoman#7276

Phone number: 1 (470) 257-4888           Address:2206 Summerwind Dr Jonesboro, GA 30236
School: Druid Hills High School        Full name: Geraldine Rodriguez
Race: Hispanic         Sex: F      Age: 16

Doxxed by Camillo, With the help of Gloppa