

                                ego made poor loser who thinks he's better then everyone else saying he's gonna dox them and etc.
                                he spends 24/7 on roblox games mostly da hood related games and exploiting with skidded scripts 
                                                            he also larps 764,1338 
                                                             •updated information•       
                                                                  the finale.

                                                              • personal information  •
                                              ║                  Full Name :  Nathan Reichwald         ║
                                              ║                       Age  :  21                       ║
                                              ║                       DOB  :  17 February 2003         ║
                                              ║           Born in Romania  :  Spitalul Judetean Slatina║
                                              ║                   Address  :  4 Oranjelaan             ║
                                              ║                               Woluwe-Saint-Pierre      ║
                                              ║                   Country  :  Belgium                  ║
                                              ║                      Race  :  White                    ║
                                              ║                  Religion  :  Atheist                  ║
                                              ║                    Weight  :  183lbs | 83kg            ║
                                              ║                    Height  :  6ft    | 183cm           ║
                                              ║              Phone Number  :  +49 3682 9876543         ║
                                              ║                IP Address  :            ║

                                              ║                       • E-Mails •                      ║
                                              ║        trpwhitesupport@gmail.com trp1337@gmail.com     ║
                                              ║                                                        ║
                                              ║                      • Passwords •                     ║
                                              ║      87BdwYhw2EKCeTL, qwe112233, YPCJMGKXV394yvp35d    ║             
                                              ║                                                        ║
                                              ║                       • Aliases •                      ║
                                              ║                  Trp, trpwhite, zwkv,                  ║

                                                                     • education • 
                                              ║         Da Vinci International School Antwerp                    ║
                                              ║        Verbondstraat 67, 2000 Antwerp Belgium                    ║
                                              ║                    +32 (0)3 216 12 32                            ║
                                              ║                  admissions@da-vinci.be                          ║

                                                                      • socials •
                                              ║                • Main Roblox Accounts •                          ║
                                              ║           ID: 3977906954 | User: trpwhite - termed               ║
                                              ║         https://www.roblox.com/users/3977906954                  ║
                                              ║                                                                  ║
                                              ║           ID: 276326 | User: realG - termed                      ║
                                              ║         https://www.roblox.com/users/276326                      ║
                                              ║                  • ALT Roblox Accounts •                         ║
                                              ║               ID: 1583490 | User: daer                           ║
                                              ║        https://www.roblox.com/users/1583490                      ║
                                              ║                                                                  ║
                                              ║             ID: 29365640 | User: trpwhiteee                      ║
                                              ║        https://www.roblox.com/users/29365640                     ║
                                              ║                   • Roblox Group •                               ║
                                              ║           ID: 15543195 | Name: gamesense.pub                     ║
                                              ║         https://www.roblox.com/groups/15543195                   ║
                                              ║                      • Discord •                                 ║
                                              ║         ID: 1115675928400511008 User: trpwhite                   ║
                                              ║      https://discord.com/users/1115675928400511008               ║
                                              ║                       • GitHub •                                 ║
                                              ║                        trpwhite                                  ║
                                              ║               https://github.com/trpwhite                        ║
                                              ║                     • X (Twitter) •                              ║
                                              ║                         trpwhite1                                ║
                                              ║              https://twitter.com/trpwhite1                       ║


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creds 2 @lessons