reason for dox:

Torture is a retard who has a high ego, hes a hispanic ugly mexican, has a piss kink, and is a pedophile.
He also failed to extort his 14 year old ex when he is 17. All of this info
is all comfirmed and he went on camera and got caught.


Full Name: Anthony Martinez
Online Name: Marcus, Alex, LJ
Alias: torutre / torture764 / rised / slithill / vpn / anthony / alex
Age: 17
DOB: December, 09, 2006
Mothers Name: Jennifer Martinez
Fathers Name: Kenny Fuentes
State: New York
Town: Haverstraw
Address: 42 3rd St, Haverstraw New York
Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1118348536367554682/1118401004942151760/RPReplay_Final1686715294.mov