
Tjay also known as "tormentzone" & "tz" claims to have changed & left the extortion com but hangs himself around the community still. in tele groups, gcs, ETC
He claims he "targets" extorters but hangs around them? Anyways the reason for this dox is Torment always joining in beefs making everything worse, Switching
on everybody for no reason, Always doing some retarded shit, practically ruining his reputation for no reason. Even though Torment has calmed alot, ALOT, He 
Still needs to understand this was going to happen eventually.

		                         /  \                                                               
		                        |    |                                                         
		    (`----._____.-'"""`. \__/ .'"""`-._____.----')                                       
	             (____       .      `|  |'      .       ____)                                       
	               (___`----' .     _|  |_     . `----'___)                                       
			 (__`----'  _.-' |  | `-._  `----'__)                                           
			   `._____.'_    |  |    _`._____.'                                             
			          /o )-< |  | >-( o\          	╔╦╗╔═╗╦═╗╔╦╗╔═╗╔╗╔╔╦╗╔═╗╔═╗╔╗╔╔═╗  ╔╦╗╔═╗═╗ ╦                                                                     
                                 / .'    |  |    `. \            ║ ║ ║╠╦╝║║║║╣ ║║║ ║ ╔═╝║ ║║║║║╣    ║║║ ║╔╩╦╝                   
        		        J J      |  |      L L           ╩ ╚═╝╩╚═╩ ╩╚═╝╝╚╝ ╩ ╚═╝╚═╝╝╚╝╚═╝  ═╩╝╚═╝╩ ╚═  
        		        | |      |  |      | |  	              
                                J J      |  |      F F                              
        		         \ \     |  |     / /          ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗  
        		          \ `.   |  |   .' /			  
--------╠═══════════════════╣----- `. `-.|  |.-' .'               : ̗̀➛  0x00 Introduction..............................     
        ║       GET         ║        `-. |.-' .-'                 : ̗̀➛  0x01 Identity..................................    
        ║       RAN         ║           . .-' .-'.                : ̗̀➛  0x02 Personal Information......................  
        ║       TORMENT     ║        .' .-' |. `.                 : ̗̀➛  0x03 Socials................................... 
        ║                   ║       / .' |  | `. \                : ̗̀➛  0x04 Relatives.................................  
        ║                   ║      / /   |  |   \ \               : ̗̀➛  0x05 Parents Info..............................  
        ║    R.I.P LOSER    ║     J J    |  |    L L              : ̗̀➛  0x06 Credits...................................  
        ║                   ║	  | |    |  |    | |            ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝              
        ╠═══════════════════╣	  J J    |  |    F F                 
        ║                   ║      \ `.  |  |  .' /           
--------╠═══════════════════╣-------`. `-|  !-' .'           
  			              `-.!-' .-'                                                             
     			               .' .-|`.             
           	  	              / .|  |. \	    	     
             			     J J |  | L L                		
                	             | | |  | | |                
               			     J J |  | F F         
         		              `.\|  |/.'              
                    			`|  |'
[ 0x01                          Identity                                                                                                                   Tjay ]
                                          » Affiliations
                                          ⤷ Mod of netforums.org [forum]
                                          ⤷ Noble of zone [ little comkid extorters ]
                                          ⤷ Onwer of lost [ doxing/coding friendgroup ]
                                          ⤷ Admin / Co owner of 101 [ pedo extorters ]
                                          ⤷ Former HN / HarmNation affiliate [ pedo extorters ]
                                          » Aliases
                                          ⤷ torment
                                          ⤷ tormentzone
                                          ⤷ tz                                         
                                          ⤷ Catboy torment
                                          ⤷ court
                                          ⤷ court101
                                          ⤷ Catboy court
                                          ⤷ Catboy courtlost
                                          ⤷ c1
                                          ⤷ Walk On The Beach
                                          ⤷ organ
                                          ⤷ organ764
                                          ⤷ relapsed
                                          ⤷ perko
[ 0x02                          Personal Information                                                                                                       Tjay ]       

      » Name: Tjay 
      » Date of Birth: 07/29/2007 - MM/DD/YY
      » Age: 16
      » Address: 1329 Brown SE Dr, Cullman, AL 35055

      » Sex: Male
      » Height: 6'0
      » Weight: 115-120

      » Religion: Atheist
      » Sexual Orientation: Straight
      » Native Language: English  
      » Blood Type: N/A 

     ⤷ House Last Sold: Jan 19, 2023
     ⤷ 1 Bath
     ⤷ 2 Room
     ⤷ 1 Fireplace
     ⤷ Lot Square Feet: 11,937
     » Phone Number: Does not have one            
[ 0x03                          Socials                                                                                                                    Tjay ]       
 » Discord
 ⤷ User:  nationalterrorist 
 ⤷ Recent Tags:

⤷  Name History
1N "Indian tech support" (8 days ago)
2N "indian scammer" (8 days ago)
3N  "c2xd" (4 daysago)
4n  "netfourms" (7 days ago)

 » Insta
 ⤷ User: fedraids
 ⤷ Display Name: court101
 ⤷ Bio: https://discord.gg/erase
 ⤷ Stats: 50K+ followers
  » Doxbin
  ⤷ User: 6_
  ⤷ Bio: tormentzone https://t.me/fedraids for paid assignments. 
  » Doxbin                    
  ⤷ User: W_   

  » Doxbin                    
  ⤷ User: _W

  » Doxbin                    
  ⤷ User: tz  
  ⤷ Bio: https://t.me/fedraids for paid assignments.                
[ 0x04                          Relatives                                                                                                                  Tjay ]       
Cindy Wilhite   James Evans

Daniel Wilhite  James White

Roman Wilhite  Felicia White

Tara Wilhite   Dena Cochran

Cynthia White
[ 0x05                         Parents Info                                                                                                                Tjay ]       

                               -= Mom =-
 » Name: Alexus white
      » Date of Birth: 00/00/1993 - MM/DD/YY
      » Age:  29 
      » Sex: Female
      » Address: 1329 Brown SE Dr, Cullman, AL 35055

     ⤷ House Last Sold: Jan 19, 2023
     ⤷ 1 Bath
     ⤷ 2 Room
     ⤷ 1 Fireplace
     ⤷ Lot Square Feet: 11,937
 » Phone Number: (256) 636-4160
 ⤷ Carrier: AT&T Mobility LLC
 ⤷ Line Type: Mobile Wireless
 ⤷ Cullman, AL
 ⤷ Local Format: 2566364160
 ⤷ International Format: +12566364160
                               -= Dad =-
 » Name: Roman Wilhite
      » Date of Birth: 00/00/1990 - MM/DD/YY
      » Age:  33
      » Sex: Male
      » Address: 1329 Brown SE Dr, Cullman, AL 35055

     ⤷ House Last Sold: Jan 19, 2023
     ⤷ 1 Bath
     ⤷ 2 Room
     ⤷ 1 Fireplace
     ⤷ Lot Square Feet: 11,937

» Phone Number:  (256) 347-2416
 ⤷ Carrier: AT&T Mobility LLC
 ⤷ Line Type: Mobile Wireless
 ⤷ Cullman, AL
 ⤷ Local Format: 2563472416
 ⤷ International Format: +12563472416

[ 0x06                         Credits                                                                                                                     Tjay ]       

                                                                                   ,     \    /      ,      
			┌─┐┬─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌┬┐┌─┐                                       / \    )\__/(     / \ 
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                                                                           |             |\../|              |
			» salmon                                           |              \VV/               |    
			⤷ https://t.me/SalmonB0T                           |     This user has been ran      |
                                                                           |    /\ /      \\       \ /\    | 
                                                                           |  /   V        ))       V   \  | 
                                                                           |/     `       //        '     \| 
                                                                           `              V                '