Name: Veronica Polze "that's all i've got" Country: Chile IP adress: MAC adress: 49:a4:b9:a2:cl:77 Personal information. - Has an adult son. - 13 year old daughter - a dog Region: Chile - Santiago reason: fucking stupid ass nigga woman stole a lot of money from my grandma, help. Lives in an apartment second floor with his daughter She is a drug addict and drinks a lot of alcohol. AGE: Unknown -- 47 - 59 end end end qwerty will always find you, fucking bitch :::!~!!!!!:. .xUHWH!! !!?M88WHX:. .X*#M@$!! !X!M$$$$$$WWx:. :!!!!!!?H! :!$!$$$$$$$$$$8X: !!~ ~:~!! :~!$!#$$$$$$$$$$8X: :!~::!H!< ~.U$X!?R$$$$$$$$MM! ~!~!!!!~~ .:XW$$$U!!?$$$$$$RMM! !:~~~ .:!M"T#$$$$WX??#MRRMMM! ~?WuxiW*` `"#$$$$8!!!!??!!! :X- M$$$$ `"T#$T~!8$WUXU~ :%` ~#$$$m: ~!~ ?$$$$$$ :!`.- ~T$$$$8xx. .xWW- ~""##*" ..... -~~:<` ! ~?T#$$@@W@*?$$ /` GOD BLESS YOU, I HOPE YOU KILL YOURSELF TOMORROW :3 W$@@M!!! .!~~ !! .:XUW$W!~ `"~: : fucking pedo. #"~~`.:x%`!! !H: !WM$$$$Ti.: .!WUn+!` :::~:!!`:X~ .: ?H.!u "$$$B$$$!W:U!T$$M~ .~~ :X@!.-~ ?@WTWo("*$$$W$TH$! ` Wi.~!X$?!-~ : ?$$$B$Wu("**$RM! $R@i.~~ ! : ~$$$$$B$$en:`` ?MXT@Wx.~ : ~"##*$$$$M~