Страна Россия 
Город Калуга
Ориентация Би 
Любит Фурри 
Вступала в контакт с отчимом несколько раз
Есть 2 сесатры и 1 брат 
Играет с педофилами
Country Russia 
Kaluga city
Bi Orientation 
Loves Furry 
I came into contact with my stepfather several times
There are 2 sisters and 1 brother 
Playing with pedophiles
Name Sonya
Имя Соня
VK https://vk.com/iphonexiao
Epic Games Downizun
phone number +79038164560
telegram https://t.me/iateme
roblox https://www.roblox.com/users/3050566160/profile
roblox 2 ak https://www.roblox.com/users/1885159083/profile

all her photos are in vk and on this server
все её фото в вк и на этом сервере.
my friend said that she likes to fuck brains, she loves pedophiles at the moment she's like 15, but she plays with men who are 30 years old. she often talked nonsense. my friend told me that she was constantly crying over any stupid situation.
every time she told everyone that she had her period.
she was very afraid of her stepfather for the reason that he touched her tits.
in some moments I feel sorry for her, but she's not normal, according to my friend she turned into a dedinside. she currently behaves like a chsv and carries game.