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NT_REASON_FOR_DOX: Association with Cloudie (Relationship)

> Get-Description Cloudie
Cloudie is a 26 year old pedophile, who has on numerous occasions dropped child pornography inside of group chats.

> Get-Info Vortex
Username : Vortex / Vortex Error / Jinx
    Name : Zion Criner
     Age : 16

> Get-School Zion Criner
Location : 626 W 53rd St, Davenport, IA 52806
   Email : zc302753@students.davenport.k12.ia.us
   Grade : 10

> Set-Password zc302753@students.davenport.k12.ia.us
Old Password : cars3786
New Password : GetFuckedVortex

> Get-ParentObject                                  

Father's Phone : 1 740 564 4302

> Get-ChatLogs
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