

Full name - Taylor John Wargin

Address - 4903 72nd Street, Milwaukie Wisconsin.

Age - 15, April 4th or 5th.

Grandmothers name - Lynn Wargin

Hair color - Medium brown

Eye color - Dark brown

Height - 5'1

Weight - 90 lbs

Cat name - Star

Dog name - Rocky (Deceased)

Discord - Voxr"/#8024

Ps4 Name - Mystix007

Spotify name - mystix007


He has emotionally manipulated me for years on end, played with my and other emotions, and I cant take it anymore.

He's transphobic, (publicly deadnames people on purpose,) racist, (white but says the n word and calls black people the n word, calling them
monkeys, telling them to go and 'pick his cotton as well as saying various slurs to my asian friends,) misogynistic (shames women for having
'small' breasts, dressing 'slutty,' or being involved in any type of sexwork,) and is a huge dick. Ive known him since 2013, he's always been
like this. I was hoping he would change, I tried to change him but I couldn't. This man has bullied people into feeling worthless, put
countless people down to raise himself up, and has never and will never change.