tiktok: @englishmaninswansea
house images:https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/detailMatching.html?prop=23631344&sale=71757216&country=england#
(‿ꜟ‿) ⒫⒠⒟⒪⒫⒣⒤⒧⒠ (。)(。)
address: 3 Y Llanerch Pontlliw
street image: https://geo1.ggpht.com/cbk?panoid=cEnQ8DDdP9Sgwtflb7MAzg&output=thumbnail&cb_client=search.gws-prod.gps&thumb=2&w=408&h=240&yaw=108.54363&pitch=0&thumbfov=100
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reason for dox: pedophilia dead trim cheapskate counsil gaff 
my tiktok: doxingswansea
his second name: trolly bollocks
the mug: https://p16-sign-sg.tiktokcdn.com/tos-maliva-avt-0068/c60299a5ec0b7216b1aa5b552d22ab1f~c5_720x720.jpeg?x-expires=1613858400&x-signature=JQLt82TqlRQx%2BVjA%2B3Zv%2BmSiMkg%3D
hes got bumfluff
hows ya white transit swans the kids still their ???
eyebrow update: bit long need a trimming bit bushy get it sorted bfore they blind you la
elf ears
bushy brebs 
bum fluff
white van
you name it hes got it 
house price: 	£109,950
he recons hes my mums brother:uncle swansea
hes banned:for lives
privated:he put his account private 
postcode: SA49DR        
mug when hes on his smack:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/805754679271096381/812465325991788584/20210219_232552.jpg
Latitude: 51.6942 / 51°41'39"N

Longitude: -4.0097 / 4°0'34"W

OS Eastings: 261194

OS Northings: 201410

OS Grid: SN611014

Mapcode Global: VH4JW.GP22

Plus Code: 9C3QMXVR+M4

Maidenhead Locator System: IO71xq86
LOCAL AREA:Y Llanerch, Pontlliw, Swansea SA4 9DR

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