$ cat snatalka00.dat

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[✗] Personal Information:
[-] Full Name: Natálie Kárová (Natalie Karova)
[-] Age: 19
[-] Address: Nerudovo nám. 1494, 438 01 Žatec 1
[-] Coordinates: 50°19´33.84“N 13°32´35.15“E
[-] House, Penzion
[-] Car License: MIMISEK1
[-] Car: Mercedes
[-] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Nat%C3%A1lka04
[-] Instagram: https://instagram.com/_nathalkaa
[-] Twitch: https://twitch.tv/natalkaa
[-] Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/natalkaa

the house is actually a pension so you can order a room for a few days
here are the info if you wanna do so:

[-] Website :https://www.penzion-kara.eu/
[-] Phone: +420 777 188 433
[-] Email: karynka@centrum.cz

reason: ion know