Paige/kisses/swag/qrez’s dox, reason for dox: stinky random eslut that catfishes ppl
full name: alazne Paige tiwai tansey tiwautia hall mitchell
age: 19
sex: shim

family members:
dad: Wade or nathan mitchell
mum: hayley jeffers
sister: aubree mitchell 
brother: degan mitchell

xbox email 1:
xbox email 2:
xbox email 3:

password 1: Swag2cool
password 2: Swag2high
password 3: Swag2sped

xbox users:
xbox user 1: rqiled him
xbox user 2: es3x fr
xbox user 3: I gxhst fr I

fortnite accounts
fortnite user 1: jai is my bf
fortnite user 2: izaiha2020

IP Address:
ASN: 4804
City: Bunbury
State/Region: Western Australia
Country: Australia
Postal Code: 6233
ISP: Optus Internet

enjoy the dox stinky eslut made by inkj