(//   )))))                                   `\||
     /   (((((                                      )` Dropped  
    (______________________________________________/           By
     \   ________ ______________________________/                  KLEEQZ
      ) /#######/ )\  /     )/                                         ░░░░
     / /##(\)##/ /  \(     //                                         ░░░░
    / /#######( (\______.//`                                             ░░░░
   / /#########) )------``                                             ░░░░
  / /#########/ /                                                          ░░░░
 / /###(/)###/ /                                                          ░░░░
( (#########/ (                                                         ░░░░
 \____/_______\)                                                      ░░░░

                                                ║ → 0x01 | Introduction........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x02 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x03 | Usernames Information.................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x04 | Family Information..................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x05 | Ending Message......................... ║

    ⛧ 0x01 -> Introduction 
    - Kid is scamming people/rat/dm all your partners to leave/will fix your ip and leak no reasons just for money
    - Kid is 24/7 busy on his laptop with ratting/ddossing people.
    - Man is saying people are skids, but he cant even make an batch file..

    ⛧ 0x02 -> Personal Information

➤Full Name.....  david bakker
➤Adress.... nederwaard 1 kinderdijk 
➤Age...........  15
➤ IP
➤School........ School met de Bijbel “Het Kompas”
➤Relation...... Single 
➤Alias......... @sql.sh
➤Known passwords. SQL1234! 

    ⛧ 0x03 -> Usernames Information

    ⛧ 0x04 -> Family Information

➤Dad............... Mark Bakker
➤Dad's Facebook.... https://nl-nl.facebook.com/markuitzwolle
➤Dad's Instagram... https://www.instagram.com/barkmakker/?hl=nl he got a lot of accounts

    ⛧ 0x05 -> Ending Message

    - hes not doing more then scam fraud and ddosing!
    - Just stay to playing fortnite untill you get arrest or if ur able to get a real job, in the mid time just go think about ddosing.

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