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⛤ Grove City Police Department
⛤ Address: 5937 Applause Ash Ave
Grove City, OH 43123
⛤ Phone: (614) 772-1223             
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> Reasoning [18 U.S.C. § 2252]
 > aydin a fn kid tht has mad ego
 > say he harfull
 > he says the addy is not hes

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> Basic information
 > Name: aydein D Showalter
 > Age: prob 12 13
 > Nationality: American
 > Ethnicity: white
 > Height: 5,4 or something
 > Weight: 180 prob                                          
 > Address: 5937 Applause Ash Ave
Grove City, OH 43123
 > Phone Number: Phone Numbers
(614) 772-1223 - Wireless
(614) 772-0482 - Wireless
(614) 772-8703 - Wireless
(614) 607-2446 - Wireless
 > Relationship Status: loves e whores
Face https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1030682158894956565/1030687784287080518/0C45E993-760E-441B-9942-536C0DB86335.jpg

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\________|\______/  \_______|\_______|  \____/ \__| \______/ \__|  \__|
> Current residence:
 > Home: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5924-Applause-Ash-Ave-Grove-City-OH-43123/2115020859_zpid/
 > 5937 Applause Ash Ave
Grove City, OH 
> General location
 > Country: North America
 > State: Ohio
 > City: Grove city
 > Zip code: 43123
 > Area code: 614

> Prior locations
2949 Columbus St
Grove City, OH 43123
(Apr 2017 - Jun 2019)

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$$ |  $$ | $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ |$$\   $$\ 
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his brother said vozx — Yesterday at 11:47 PM
And our. Dad die and our mom prob sleeping and she doesn’t live with m

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Nicolle D Showalter
Dob Age 42 (Mar 1980)
Emails nicolleshowalter@yahoo.com


nickrice10@yahoo.com                                            `"'                     

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