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IP :
city : Boynton Beach
address : SW 2nd Ave house 442
!how to get in house go threw the back and hop the fence!
state : [FL] florida
name : ryan 
nick name : BOLDER
moms : elizabeth
!he is a snowflake he is very senitive!
dad and moms work times : |dads| 4:00AM - 6:00PM 
|moms| : shes a house wife |always home|
fav music : rap music + heavy metal
games : likes |gta 5| And |RAIN BOW 6|
emails : turledwalred34@outlook.com ~ DOGhardakes9382@gmail.com
REASON FOR DOX : a guy gave me 20$ for this dox he said " hey i wanna scary this kid try to get some of his info for me"
and as a responds i said yes 
!@~extra info |he is fat and toxic and he has a paralyzed sister and he is very rude|
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