   ║ 0x00                       u cant run XOXO                                                                 DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║
                      __...--~~~~~-._   _.-~~~~~--...__
                    //               `V'               \\    -THE FALL OF SNAPZ.
                   //                 |                 \\   -(luv)
                  //__...--~~~~~~-._  |  _.-~~~~~~--...__\\  -(luv)
                 //__.....----~~~~._\ | /_.~~~~----.....__\\ -(luv)
                                                                                              SNAPZ                                  O         O
                                                                                                                                      \\     // 
                                                                                                                                       \\   //
                                                                                                                                        \\ // 
                                                                                          name Jayden Hogan                            /~~~~~\      
                                                                                          0x03 the loops apartments conroe      | ,---------------, |
                                                                                                                                | |               | |
                                                                                          0x04 Socials insta jayden__h          | |  Emergency    | |
                                                                                                                                | |  Broadcast:   | |   
                                                                                          0x05 Diploma  drop out                | |               | |                        
                                                                                                                                | |_______________| |
                                                                                          ipv4 :                   |___________________|
                                                                                          0x07 Emails                         
                                                                                                                      -Initiating the death of (snapz) stay tuned!
                                                                                          0x08 Family
                                                                                          name verified:Nicole Elise Kluge
                                                                                          address verified:31242 Avenue E, Big Pine Key, FL, 33043


                                                                                          luv loves you XOXO

                       THIS IS JUST SAD SNAPZ   https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1215936154537300089/1217072044257312828/72233068872__F43F5FE0-0E0A-401E-99E4-B3AB381E4469.jpg?ex=6602b1ab&is=65f03cab&hm=fc85ecdce28d54866f7fa990f200ec4f678109e9f0d23899143b746059850316&

   ║ 0x01                       Introductions                                                                   DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║
         - snapz is a cod com player who larps people/friends that are.║                     Face Pics / embarrassing  shit
         - "known" doxers said that he can fry people thru there ip LOL║                  https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1216202124568825896/IMG_1692.jpg?ex=65ff877e&is=65ed127e&hm=abae4afae80cd962e5c8263659ea217fdd57b08c47c209713ef90a419beaac01&=&format=webp&width=394&height=701https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1216201656312795206/IMG_1702.jpg?ex=65ff870e&is=65ed120e&hm=52bcabd5ec1a1db41687c522d945acff2b6fd59ac4427930ed09a0491c7c583f&=&format=webp&width=351&height=701https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1215960659481591848/IMG_8770.jpg?ex=65fea69c&is=65ec319c&hm=1f9bd2ac2288d49eff38ffb3adab8deadaef04cda98f8558740adbcdcbc99a18&=&format=webp&width=348&height=651
                               LUV LOVES YOU                           ║   https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1215953689576210533/DD94D323-B67C-4B55-AA7D-25F8A5645B18.png?ex=65fea01e&is=65ec2b1e&hm=94ea2084b2d252ce007a0578138b734693985fe203f0a170586f317fc8de59ae&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=394&height=701https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1215943904252133386/IMG_8770.png?ex=65fe9701&is=65ec2201&hm=cf913553d87a09c99db0af3d54d570b2305c0b7e58cfd2c94f39d273c360575f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=348&height=651https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1202356189774745610/1215179812084252682/IMG_1666.jpg?ex=65fbcf64&is=65e95a64&hm=96099fddf6c9c5dd5ab6c1c1b3b877dd6a59d41611783081b4ae70263c664ce6&https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1215944312508907550/IMG_8772.png?ex=65fe9763&is=65ec2263&hm=42d0f96d28bd3d87f64f145f7bd9d1d40140646dc067cb563718ec503fef441d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=375&height=701https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1215944312110583908/IMG_8773.png?ex=65fe9763&is=65ec2263&hm=ba71471899449a5628ad786141e5337cc6ed1e2dcd70e19d58057d6822c6b77f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=339&height=701
         - jayden also known as snapz has also showed his dick to many ║   https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1215936154537300089/1215960003857481819/Desktop_2024.03.09_-_04.48.25.29.DVR_-_Trim.mp4?ex=65fea600&is=65ec3100&hm=d96e1908946adde1383dfe979a718de30b15ad5c27537a23aa6e48dc600dcdc1&  
         - minors dated many minors also goes b4b with fake btc leaks  ║   https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1215936154537300089/1217072044257312828/72233068872__F43F5FE0-0E0A-401E-99E4-B3AB381E4469.jpg?ex=6602b1ab&is=65f03cab&hm=fc85ecdce28d54866f7fa990f200ec4f678109e9f0d23899143b746059850316&      
         - minors extorts minors. he has also been bitched by mutipule ║   https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1164653913140645909/1196896135982358708/Screenshot_2024-01-02_025645.png?ex=65f9e4e4&is=65e76fe4&hm=0010aab33d74e9df4c20baeae6b7e55171b81479e95fe3942ecc1287b43527bc&
                        - discord packers. so hes really just a faggot.║   https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1164653913140645909/1187153670803034173/image.png?ex=65fb5d83&is=65e8e883&hm=299ca11f3f0567bab03d56e1e2fa4693f1d491b6a17dbb93e3ea664050067396&
   ║ 0x02                       Basic                                                                           DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║
              ˅ jayden hogan............                               ║      ˅ DOB............                                                   
              | Name altnerative snapzmw, snapz, dqax, bmqa,           ║      | Age 19
              | Alias snapz                                            ║      | Sex male       
              | Alias snapzmw                                          ║      | Sexuality straight    
              ˄                                                        ║      ˄ 
                                           ˅ snapz stats Stats.... 
                                           | Height 6'2
                                           | Weight almost fat
                                           ˅ Number 3058961756                               __i                                
                                           | Provider.......                                |---|      -got in vc with a discord packer couldnt last 5 seconds                          
                                           | Assigned too Nicole Elise Kluge                |[_]|      -X                             
                                           | Lata...........                                |:::|      -Y                   
                                           | OCN............                                |:::|      -Z                  

                                           ˅ THE LARPS.
                                           | FAKE BTC https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1215936154537300089/1215956343387590746/i9J7DdE.png?ex=65fea297&is=65ec2d97&hm=7333119fbbf3e76b3e755368226c40a0d0bdd662e1cb8d2ec454dc83a82154d4&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=486&height=182
                                           | also larps guns 
   ║ 0x03                       Address                                                                         DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║

              ˅ Address the loop apartments                                            
              | SQFT...............
              | Bedrooms 2
              | Bathrooms 1   
                                                                               ˅ Tax rate......  ($1,365 – $1,485)
                                     _                                         |
                                   _|=|__________                              | 
  - Welcome to (snapz) House!     /              \                             | 
                                 /                \                            ˄
                                 ||  || /--\ ||  ||
                                 ||[]|| | .| ||[]||
                               ()||__||_|__|_||__||() - Allow me to talk about (snapz) house!
                              ( )|-|-|-|====|-|-|-|( ) 
 				          Pics of  Exterior & interior
 				  				    - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1217070296389910581/1217112322418671627/9ca2ba095bf35ba2cb96b109cdf65970.png?ex=6602d72e&is=65f0622e&hm=a363f340d7e01d3ba65cb609351e20087e3d18c2c51e78f84d9bbfe358b09ebe& 				    - 
 				  				    - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1217070296389910581/1217112474189303969/35380ca6d37d2e9eeabb20a7a8887a58.png?ex=6602d752&is=65f06252&hm=fd4511a787ad4a7fde10e8f4ef8556922c1fc0153594b076ea4df1822cdd7b8b&
 				  				    - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1217070296389910581/1217112683007185057/W31OhTrHSdE5OqQRtciNlajdvV903UV5TRoHu9jhgw496R6coF3gtN4JYz2pdjmbJ2e0U5AKFSy-9rz2YvwmXWVdIxYX8wzZB1NYgDg.png?ex=6602d784&is=65f06284&hm=ad84e8849b3d2858b33f5ac40ddc9f23b4a20589020cb4e117450fb70f7239b2&
 				  				    - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1217070296389910581/1217112927916789891/image.png?ex=6602d7be&is=65f062be&hm=2236f831b1b6cf13989f382b494ef34f4402211f3946b795c8f365fa98afb2b1&

   ║ 0x04                       Socials                                                                         DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║
 		     		Instagram jayden__h        *    .  *       .   ,          *   '     .     .  *        *  .'.
 		     		Telegram unknown   		     '     .     .  *        *  .'.
 		     		Doxbin unknown           .       . .        *   '     .     .  *        *  .'. .  *       .  *      
 		     		Twitter unknown       .  *       .  *       .  *       .  *       .  *       .  *       .  *       .  *      
    		                       ID.... 		     *   .   .'    * ,      .       .  ,      .  *      
 		     		Discord dqax bmqa        '     .     .  *        *  .'.                              .     *     .'
    		                       ID bmqa 1199177041384325294              .  *        *  .'.          '     .     .  *        *  .'.
 		     		Facebook unknown   
    		                       ID....	    '     .     .  *        *  .'.   '     .     .     * ,      .       .  ,     *
                                                                               ˅     ,     *
                                                      .  *        *  .'.       | X                
                                                                               | Y  
                                                       .  *        *  .'.      | Z
                                                   .  *       .  *       .  *      .  *       .  *      .  *       .  *      
 		     	         _.                                            *        *  .'.                              .    
 		             _/   /
 		            //   /
 		           //   /
 		       _  / || \  ^o
 		       \\/ ()_) \.
 		        ^^ <__> \()
 		         //_||_\\      -Target spotted!
 		        // \||/ \\
 		       //   ||   \\
 		      \/    |/    \/
 		      /     |      \
 		     /      |       \
   ║ 0x06                       IP info                                                                         DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║

				-Services:None detected     
				-Assignment:Likely Static IP     
				-Latitude:30.3119 (30° 18′ 42.79″ N)       
				-Longitude:-95.4560 (95° 27′ 21.66″ W)       

                      .-.          ~Scanning IP's~
                        \ _.--l--._
                       . \    |     `.
                     .` `.\   |    .` `.
                   .`     `\  |  .`     `.             ~Detecting Ports!~  at 2024-03-12 7:15 am EST (port 8443)
                  / __      \.|.`      __ \                                             Host is up.
                  |   ''--._ \V  _.--''   |
                  |        _ (") _        |              
                  | __..--'   ^   '--..__ | _
                  \         .`|`.         /-.)                      
                   `.     .`  |  `.     .`                                                                              
                     `. .`    |    `. .`                                                    
                       `._    |    _.`|                          ~LUV RUNS SNAPZ~                                                              
                           `--l--`  | |                                                   
                                    | |                                                   
                                    | |             ~raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~            
                                    | |                                      
                           o        | |     o                           
                            )    o  | |    ( 
                           \|/  (   | |   \|/
                               \|/  | | o  WWwwwW
                                  o | |  )  
                          WWwwWww ( | | \|/
   ║ 0x08                       Family                                                                          DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║

          ///"\                       Father KYLE HOGAN               ˅ Mother Nicole Elise Kluge                                                                                                    
          |6 6|                                                       | BORN in 1976            
          \ - /                                                       | Age 47
   .@@@. __) (__                                                      ˄ 
   @6 6@/  \./  \                                                                              
   @ = @ :  :  : \                                
   _) (_'|  :  |) )                               
 /' \./ '\  :  |_/                                 
/ /\ _ /\ \=o==|)                                   
\ \ )  (/ /%|%%'                                     
 '7/    \7%%|%%'                                                                               
   |    |`%%|%%'
   |    |`%%|%%'
   |_.._| /_|_\                                                                 |YOU
  (Nicole)    _                                                                 |CANT
   ║ 0x10                       Outro n' credits                                                                DOXED BY (ma.gic.)║
   ║ sorry snapz but u cant be racist a pedo a larp a skid and a faggot all at the same time stop larping about things that dont need║
   ║ to be larped about son ur ewhore can get doxed to if she want it i know where she lives to xoxo. u should dox back to xoxo      ║
   ║ dox ME not my friends xoxo.                                                                                                     ║