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autistic spelling for an autistic retard with speech impediment get doxxed you cunt

Full name: Ruben Sebastian Martinez 

Age: 19

Birth date: 10/04/2004

City: San Antonio, TX , USA

IP :

Face: https://imgur.com/gallery/IBszt4j

Phone number: +1 (210) 902- 5805

Tiktok: @lame_loll

Instagram main: _imboredlol__._

Instagram alts: NONE

Discord: massacrevalen
Discord ALTS: NONE

ROBLOX: goldenroblox1312, Cursed_drift, LSTWRDRUBEN, smhruben , takingmyIastbreath
join date ; 8/6/2017 

Snapchat: z_two1398

OLD SCHOOL Website ( Hes class of 2023) https://www.nisd.net/stevens

School phone number: +1 (210) 397-6450

Proof of Graduation: https://imgur.com/gallery/jAb3Hsl

Language:    English , Spanish

Address : 9714 Caney Creek Dr, San Antonio TX, USA

( Lakeland Heights is the community name.)

Occupation: NONE.

Old Occupation: 10500 SeaWorld Dr, San Antonio, TX 78251 ( Sea World) 

Reason: He attempted to date a 13 child, he DATED 15. He's 18, he would send this 15 year old disgusting TikToks, asked for " E sex". He doesn't date anyone his age ( 18 at this time). He is a weirdo that likes
little girls and its weird.

UPDATED REASON : talked to multiple minors and keeps going back to a minor under the name AVA ROSS esexed her and used the name on discord as "asiasgoodboy" which the user asia is ava who is 16