___.   .__                         /\                                              __  .__               
\_ |__ |__|____    ____   ____ ____)/   ______   ____ ___  ___ ____   ____  __ ___/  |_|__| ____   ____  
 | __ \|  \__  \  /    \_/ ___\\__  \  /  ___/ _/ __ \\  \/  // __ \_/ ___\|  |  \   __\  |/  _ \ /    \ 
 | \_\ \  |/ __ \|   |  \  \___ / __ \_\___ \  \  ___/ >    <\  ___/\  \___|  |  /|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \
 |___  /__(____  /___|  /\___  >____  /____  >  \___  >__/\_ \\___  >\___  >____/ |__| |__|\____/|___|  /
     \/        \/     \/     \/     \/     \/       \/      \/    \/     \/                           \/ 
Reason: Making fun of my girlfriend aswell as threathning to beat her, enjoy your death "Bianca Anda Andrei" :skull:

          *****     ***** 
         ***           ***
        ***             ***
        **    0     0    **
        **               **                  ____
        ***             ***             //////////
        ****           ****        ///////////////  
        *****         *****    ///////////////////
        ******       ******/////////         |  |
      *********     ****//////               |  |    ->> Chapters: 0x01 - Story
   *************   **/////*****              |  |                  0x02 - Parents & Her info
  *************** **///***********          *|  |*                 0x03 - Facial Identity
 ************************************    ****| <=>*                0x04 - Pets she owns
*********************************************|<===>*               0x05 - Socials
*********************************************| <==>*
***************************** ***************| <=>*
******************************* *************|  |*
********************************** **********|  |*  
*********************************** *********|  |


        dGGGGMMb     ,"""""""""""""""""".
       @p~qp~~qMb    |   0x01 - Story   | ->> So this girl and her friend (soon death execution to her too) started harrasing my girlfriend aswell as threathning to beat her up. I did not let that slide so i decided to do another death 
       M|@||@) M|   _;..................'     execution.
       @,----.JM| -'
      JS^\__/  qKL
     dZP        qKRb
    dZP          qKKb 
   fZP            SMMb
   HZM            MMMM
   FqM            MMMM
 __| ".        |\dS"qML
 |    `.       | `' \Zq
_)      \.___.,|     .'
\____   )MMMMMM|   .'
     `-'       `--' 


___    A
| |   {*} ->> 0x02 - Parents & Her info
| |  __V__    
|_|o_|%%%|0_  Her Name: Bianca Anda Andrei (school: Ferdinand 1 Bacau) (lives in bacau, romania, time.is/romania)
   |       |  Her Moms Name: Florentina Sara Andrei (lives in bacau, romania, time.is/romania)
   |       |  Her Dad's Name: Florin Ciprian Andrei (lives in bacau, romania, time.is/romania)
   |_______|  Ages: (her: 15 | dob: idk) (mom: 45 | 4 apr 1977) (dad: ?? | dob: ?? - to be updated)


               _(                                                 _)
               )                                                  (  ->> 0x03 - facial identity
                (         ___        __        ___                 )
                *          | |_  _  |  \ _      | _ _ . _          * ->> Mom: https://files.doxbin.gg/TUSqou49.png, https://files.doxbin.gg/Rlhovmxj.png, https://files.doxbin.gg/OJYTn6vD.mp4
                )          | | )(-  |__/(_))(   || (_||| )         ) ->> Dad: https://files.doxbin.gg/Mzh6cHKo.png(includes another mom pic)
            o0   )                                                (  ->> Her: https://files.doxbin.gg/vWaOK3FZ.png (whore + slut), https://files.doxbin.gg/vxy9qgnC.png
         o0     (_                                                _) 
        o         '=-___-===-_____-========-___________-===-----='
      .o                                _________
     . ______          ______________  |         |      _____
   _()_||__|| ________ |            |  |_________|   __||___||__
  (BNSF 1995| |      | |            | __Y______00_| |_         _|


||====================================================================|| 0x04 ->> Pets she owns
||(100)==================| FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE |================(100)||
||\\$//        ~         '------========--------'                \\$//|| ->> An cat, https://files.doxbin.gg/JRkL84eL.png
||<< /        /$\              // ____ \\                         \ >>||
||>>|  12    //L\\            // ///..) \\         L38036133B   12 |<<||
||<<|        \\ //           || <||  >\  ||                        |>>||
||>>|         \$/            ||  $$ --/  ||        One Hundred     |<<||
||<<|      L38036133B        *\\  |\_/  //* series                 |>>||
||>>|  12                     *\\/___\_//*   1989                  |<<||
||<<\      Treasurer     ______/Franklin\________     Secretary 12 />>||
||//$\                 ~|UNITED STATES OF AMERICA|~               /$\\||
||(100)===================  ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS =================(100)||


      .::::::::::.        -(_)====u         .::::::::::.
    .::::''''''::::.                      .::::''''''::::.
  .:::'          `::::....          ....::::'          `:::.
 .::'             `:::::::|        |:::::::'             `::. 
.::|               |::::::|_ ___ __|::::::|               |::. >> 0x04 - Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/anda.bianca1/ | https://www.instagram.com/bia._.close/ | https://www.facebook.com/bianca.andrei.779/ (her)
`--'               |::::::|_()__()_|::::::|               `--'
 :::               |::-o::|        |::o-::|               :::                          https://www.facebook.com/florin.c.andrei (dad)
 `::.             .|::::::|        |::::::|.             .::'                          https://www.facebook.com/florentina.andrei.7 (mom)
  `:::.          .::\-----'        `-----/::.          .:::'
    `::::......::::'                      `::::......::::'
      `::::::::::'                          `::::::::::'